< cflock
timeout =#createTimeSpan(0,0,0,1)#
name =myProcess
throwOnTimeout =no
type =exclusive>
< cfset start = now()>
<!--- CFML要同步。 --->
< cfset interval = 10 * 60> <!--- 10 minutes in seconds --->
< cfif dateDiff(s,start,now())GT interval>
< cfhttp url =yourtemplate.cfm>
< / cfif>
< / cflock>
I have scheduled a coldfusion template to run every 10 minutes how do i prevent it from running when the previous run exceeds 10 minutes.
I've tried using a counter variable in the application scope unfortunately when the template times out or errors out the counter is not decremented.
PS. Is there a coldfuison framework for integrating applications (backend stuff)
Use an exclusive named cflock:
timeout = "#createTimeSpan(0,0,0,1)#"
name = "myProcess"
throwOnTimeout = "no"
type = "exclusive">
<cfset start = now()>
<!--- CFML to be synchronized. --->
<cfset interval = 10 * 60> <!--- 10 minutes in seconds --->
<cfif dateDiff("s", start, now()) GT interval>
<cfhttp url="yourtemplate.cfm">
This ensures only thread ever runs the block of code in question. Simultaneous access will fail in one second without error.
To ensure the next run gets kicked off if the prior exceeds the time interval, track the start time inside the lock and then at the end, if its exceeded the interval, have the last statement inside the cflock be a cfhttp call to itself.