

正如John Resig所说:


  / ** 
* /
var obj = document的示例。 getElementById(main);

的项目数组var items = [click,keypress];

for(var i = 0; i< items.length; i ++){
var item = items [i];

obj [on+ item ] = function(){
// item指的是已成功的父变量
alert(thanks for your+ item);




  / ** 
* /
function User(properties ){
var that = this;

for(var i in properties){
console.log(property:+ i);
//创建一个nwe getter for the property
that [get+ i] = function(){
return properties [i];

//创建一个新的setter for the property
that [set+ i] = function(val){
properties [i] = val;

种子。var user =新用户({

alert(user.name == null);

console.log(name:+ user.getname()); // name:44 :(


alert(user.getage()== 22);


  for(var i in properties){
console.log(property:+ i);
创建一个nwe getter,[get+ prop] = function(){
return property [prop];
$ b b //为属性
创建一个新的setter [set+ prop] = function(val){
property [prop] = val;
} )(i);


  • 为什么在第一种情况下(for循环),没有必要传递i参数,而


  • 解决方案


      var item = items [i ]; 


    在第二个示例中,您不必将 i 作为参数,也可以这样做:


    var prop = i; //见这里!

    控制台.log(property:+ i);
    创建一个nwe getter [get+ prop] = function(){
    return properties [prop] ;

    创建一个新的setter [set+ prop] = function(val){
    properties [prop] = val;


    同样,你也可以改变第一个例子来传递 i 作为参数,而不是在变量中详细地声明它。

    obj [on+ items [item] = function
    // item是指已成功的父变量
    alert(感谢您的+ items [item]);

    对于是否使用声明变量的本地副本是任意的, var 语句,或将其作为参数传递到自执行函数中。


    $ b b







    var i = i;

    //使用`i'不起作用... i = undefined。


    这是因为 var variable = value 语句实际上是:


    var i;

    i = i;


    var 关键字始终分配变量 undefined

    So, I'm still reading Apress Pro Javascript Techniques and i'm having troubles with closures.

    As John Resig states:

    Then he presents, in listing 2-16 an example using anonymous functions to induce scope.

     * Listing 2-16. Example of Using Anonymous Functions to induce the
     * Scope Needed to Create Multiple Closure-Using Functions
    // An element with an ID of main
    var obj = document.getElementById("main");
    // An array of items to bind to
    var items = ["click", "keypress"];
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        // Use a self executed anonymous function to induce scope
        (function() {
            // Remembre the value within this scope
            var item = items[i];
            // Bind a function to the element
            obj["on" + item] = function() {
                // item refers to a parent variable that has been successfully
                // scoped within the context of this loop
                alert("thanks for your " + item);

    This example works as expected, and the behavious of the main object is correct.

    The in the following, it uses another time a self-executing function to induce scope, during an iteration.

    The purpose of the function is to create an object, defining getters and setters for all its properties. In this case, the example does not work.

     * Listing 2-25. Example of Dynamicaaly Generated Methods That Are Created
     * When a New Object is instantiated
    // Create a new user object that accepts an object of properties
    function User(properties) {
        // Iterate thorugh the properties of the object, and make sure
        // that it's properly scoped (sas discussed previously)
        var that = this;
        for (var i in properties) {
           (function() {
               console.log("property: " + i);
               // Create a nwe getter for the property
               that["get" + i] = function() {
                   return properties[i];
                // Create a new setter  for the property
               that["set" + i] = function(val) {
                   properties[i] = val;
    // Create a new user object instance and pass in an object of
    // properties to seed it with
    var user = new User({
        name: "Bob",
        age: 44
    // Just note that the name property does not exists, as it's private within the
    // properties object
    alert(user.name == null);
    // However, we're able to access its value using the new getnaem()
    // method that was dynamically generated
    console.log("name: " + user.getname());  // name: 44 :(
    alert(user.getname() == "Bob");
    // Finally, we can see that it's possible to set and gt the age using
    // the newly generated functions
    alert(user.getage() == 22);

    Instead, after passing the i parameter as argument to the self-executing function,it works.

    for (var i in properties) {
           (function(prop) {
               console.log("property: " + i);
               // Create a nwe getter for the property
               that["get" + prop] = function() {
                   return properties[prop];
                // Create a new setter  for the property
               that["set" + prop] = function(val) {
                   properties[prop] = val;

    My question is:

    • Why in the first case (for loop), it is not necessary to pass the i parameter, while
      in the second (for in) it is needed in order to work properly?


    In the first example you are declaring a copy of the contents of the array element in a local variable:

    var item = items[i];

    As the inline comment says, here we're remembering the value within the closure scope.

    In the 2nd example, instead of passing i as a parameter, you could also have done:

       (function() {
           var prop = i; // See here!
           console.log("property: " + i);
           // Create a nwe getter for the property
           that["get" + prop] = function() {
               return properties[prop];
            // Create a new setter  for the property
           that["set" + prop] = function(val) {
               properties[prop] = val;

    Which makes both examples more similar.

    Similarly, you could also alter the first example to pass i as a parameter, rather than declaring it verbosely in a variable.

    (function(item) {
        // Bind a function to the element
        obj["on" + items[item] = function() {
            // item refers to a parent variable that has been successfully
            // scoped within the context of this loop
            alert("thanks for your " + items[item]);

    It's arbitrary as to whether you declare a local copy of the variable using a var statement, or pass it as a parameter into your self executing function.


    @Zecc bought up a good point in the comments, which I'd like to explain:

    (function (i) {
        // using `i` works as expected.

    Where as:

    (function () {
        var i = i;
        // using `i` doesn't work... i = undefined.

    This is because the var variable = value statement is effectively:

    (function () {
        var i;
        i = i;

    and the var keyword always assigns the variable(s) following it with the value undefined.


07-17 02:59