I am trying to implement a basic live search bar so I have an event listening to any keyup:
'keyup input.search-query': function (evt) {
Session.set("search-query", evt.currentTarget.value);
This seems to be working, except anytime I press a key, the search field is blurred so the second letter I type isnt in the text field! Any ideas how to prevent this from happening?
'keyup input.search-query': function (evt) {
Session.set("search-query", evt.currentTarget.value);
Template.search.searchResults = function () {
var keyword = Session.get("search-query");
var query = new RegExp( keyword, 'i' );
var results = Articles.find( { $or: [{'user': query},
{'title': query},
{'articleText': query},
{'datetime': query}] } );
return {results: results};
问题其实出在 HTML 上.
The problem was in the HTML actually.
I has the search bar and the search results in the same template, so whenever the template would refresh with new results, it would blur the search bar. All I did was make the search results its own template and import that template below the search bar so everything looks the same.
这篇关于如何在 Meteor 中实现实时搜索而不会在每个字母后文本输入模糊?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!