本文介绍了calendarApp createEvent在错误的日子添加了事件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



var arrivalDate =2013年6月10日;
var departureDate =06/18/2013​​;
var start = new Date(arrivalDate);
var end = new Date(departureDate);

var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('id487g3esn088a00omqa99ugv0@group.calendar.google.com');
cal.createEvent('Apollo 11 Landing',start,end);



我检查过时区设置和电子表格,脚本和日历都在同一时区(Mountain Time GMT-7)






Here is my code:

function calEvent(){
   var arrivalDate = "06/10/2013";
   var departureDate = "06/18/2013";
   var start = new Date(arrivalDate);
   var end = new Date(departureDate);

   var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('id487g3esn088a00omqa99ugv0@group.calendar.google.com');
   cal.createEvent('Apollo 11 Landing',start,end);


When I run this it will create the event in the correct calendar however it will only be from June 10 thru June 17. I need the event to cover June 10 - June 18.

I have checked the Timezone setting and the spreadsheet, script and calendar are all on the same time zone (Mountain Time GMT-7)

How can I get this seemingly simple code to set the event on the correct dates? I've tried several date formatting (utilities.formatDate) but can't seem to get the correct format.

Thanks in advance.


How to use timeZone of calendar to set timeZone for date object

I posed the above question a couple a weeks ago, and came up with a working solution. Not sure if it is the best or not, but you can look over and see if it helps. In working on a solution for my question I noticed several things. The script definitely uses the script timezone to create a date object. But when it post to a calendar it adjust the date to executors default calendar timezone not the timezone of the calendar you're writing too. So if a user's default calendar timezone is different from the calendar being written to you will get all kind of crazy time's

So the function gasTimezoneOffset() that is listed in the above question was my solution for this.

Hope this helps.

这篇关于calendarApp createEvent在错误的日子添加了事件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 01:07