我无法将现有的 heroku 数据库连接到 Google Datastudio.我正在尝试添加连接,但得到以下信息:
I'm having troubles to connect an existing heroku database to Google Datastudio. I'm trying to add the connection and I get the following:
现在,我 100% 确定我在这些凭据上是正确的,并且问题来自其他地方.
Now, I'm 100% sure that I'm correct on those credentials and the problem comes from somewhere else.
我尝试了不同的设置,无论是免费的还是付费的 PSQL 实例,都没有效果.
I've tried with different setup, either a free or a paid PSQL instance, nothing works.
我还在 elephantsql 上设置了一个虚拟帐户,并且第一次连接没有任何问题.
I've also setup a dummy account on elephantsql and the connection worked the first time without any issue.
Do you have any idea of the cause of that problem?
刚刚找到 https://www.en.advertisercommunity.com/t5/Data-Studio/Heroku-Postgres-lt-gt-Google-Data-Studio/mp/1031729 在撰写本文时没有帮助这个帖子.
Just found https://www.en.advertisercommunity.com/t5/Data-Studio/Heroku-Postgres-lt-gt-Google-Data-Studio/m-p/1031729 which is not helpful at the time of writing this post.
自从 2018 年 2 月 6 日更新,Google DataStudio 允许与 PostgreSQL 的 SSL 连接,这是连接到通过 Heroku 创建的数据库所必需的.
Since the February 6, 2018 update, Google DataStudio allows SSL connections with PostgreSQL, which is necessary to connect to a database created via Heroku.
要启用 SSL,您需要提供客户端密钥+证书和服务器证书,可以通过以下步骤完成:
To enable SSL you need to provide client key+cert and server cert, which can be accomplished by taking the following steps:
- 使用 openssl 为客户端密钥 + 证书生成自签名证书 + 密钥:
openssl req
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout client.key
-x509 -days 365 -out client.crt
- 使用
脚本从 heroku psql 获取自签名服务器证书:
- Use the
script to get the self-signed server cert from heroku psql:
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