


I'm using Jenkins for testing/build purposes, so I created a MultiJob project with this configuration:

  1. 测试工作
  2. 建立工作
  3. 安装作业

MultiJob是从Master Jenkins启动的,但是其他作业是从其他Node启动的.生成作业执行创建BUILD_ID的Shell脚本.现在,我希望将BUILD_ID作为参数传递给安装作业.我怎样才能做到这一点?我唯一的选择是使用属性文件?

The MultiJob is launched from the Master Jenkins, but other jobs are launched from other Nodes.The Build Job executes a shell script which creates the BUILD_ID.Now, I want the BUILD_ID to be passed as parameter to the Install Job.How can I do that? My only choice is to use a property file?



要使用我将要描述的建议,您将需要参数化触发器插件.将自定义参数传递给下游作业的一种方法是存储键&一个文件中的值对(key=value),并通过在调用下游(在此示例中为作业B)作业时选择Parameters from properties file选项来指定同一文件.请参阅下面的屏幕截图:

To use the suggestion i am going to describe, you will need Parameterized Trigger plugin. One way to pass custom parameter to a downstream job is by storing the key & value pair (key=value) in a file and specifying the same file by selecting Parameters from properties file option while calling downstream (in this example, job B) job. Refer the screenshot below:

现在,您可以使用$BUILD_ID访问下游作业"B"中的变量.您还希望启用选项Don't trigger if any files are missing.

Now you can access the variable in downstream job 'B' by using $BUILD_ID. You would also like to enable the option Don't trigger if any files are missing.


07-17 00:08