我在执行 GoogleAuthUtil.getToken
时收到 GoogleAuthException: Unknown error
I am getting a GoogleAuthException: Unknown error
, while doing a GoogleAuthUtil.getToken
GLSUser: GLS error: INVALID_AUDIENCE <email> audience:server:client_id:xxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
我已将我的发布密钥(包名称)中的 SHA1 设置为 google api 项目.(顺便说一下,它已成功用于 GCM.)
I have set the SHA1 from my release key , the package name, to the google api project. (Which by the way is being used successfully for GCM. )
看起来应该可行;这是我的应用中的 scope-init 代码,它确实有效.
Looks like that should work; here's the scope-init code from my app which does work.
private static final String SCOPE = "audience:server:client_id:" + SERVER_CLIENT_ID;
所以我觉得客户端 ID 有问题.记住这一点
So it smells to me like there's a problem with the client id. Remember that
- 你必须有一个有两个客户端 ID 的项目
- 一个适用于您的 Android 应用,带有 SHA &包&等等
- 另一个用于您要将令牌发送到的服务器端
#3 中的客户端 ID 位于 ...:client_id:
It's the client ID from #3 that goes after ...:client_id:
这篇关于Google Api 和 android Oauth INVALID_AUDIENCE 错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!