本文介绍了谷歌的OAuth 2.0和调试键谷歌驱动器API的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经设置了在 GoogleDriveAPI 控制台Android应用程序2的客户ID:第一个为发布APK,另一个用于调试的目的。一切就OK了与发布的应用程序,但我的问题只涉及到第二个客户端ID。我得到这个异​​常: com.google.api.client.googleapis.extensions.android.gms.auth.GoogleAuthIOException

I've set up 2 Client IDs for Android application in the GoogleDriveAPI console: the first for the release APK and the second for Debug purposes. Everything ok with the released app, but my issue is only related to the second Client ID.I'm getting this exception: com.google.api.client.googleapis.extensions.android.gms.auth.GoogleAuthIOException


Drive.Files.List request;
request = service.files().list();
String query = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' AND trashed=false AND title='" + title + "' AND '" + parentId + "' in parents";
request = request.setQ(query);
com.google.api.services.drive.model.FileList files = request.execute(); // <=I'm getting the exception here

preferences-&GT; Android-&GT;建立我使用ADT在Windows上,我从 Windows的&GT获得的SHA1指纹调试密钥库>对于调试模式,但谷歌驱动器API授权失败!为什么?(唯一)解决方案,我发现是使用发布客户端ID还处于调试模式,用定制的指纹(和实际工作)。

I'm using ADT on windows, I've obtained the sha1 fingerprint for debug keystore from Windows->Preferences->Android->Build for the debug mode, but the Google Drive API authorization fails! Why?The (only) solution I've found is to use the "Release" Client ID also in Debug mode, with a custom fingerprint (and that actually works).


试试这个:就拿不工作(DEBUG.apk),我不知道什么是你的IDE中的* .apk文件的文件,所以我不能告诉你在哪里可以找到它,但它应该很容易。

Try this:Take the *.apk file that isn't working (DEBUG.apk), I don't know what's your IDE, so I can't tell you where to find it, but it should be easy.

  1. 在7-zip或类似unzipper打开*的.apk文件,并找到在存档META-INF \ CERT.RSA'文件。将其解压缩,比如你的... \桌面\
  2. 运行密钥工具-printcert -file ... \桌面\ CERT.RSA'。
  3. 您应该看到问题的APK文件的SHA1,它与你在控制台中注册的SHA1比较。仔细检查包名称。 PACKAGENAME-SHA1结合是授权的应用程序版本,谷歌驱动器。


I vaguely remember this happening to me after re-installing/upgrading my IDE or moving project to another machine (basically generating different debug SHA1 than I registered).


I know it is a long shot, but this is what I use when run into trouble. Hope it helps, Good Luck.

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07-16 23:45