本文介绍了forSeach querySelectorAll在最近的Microsoft浏览器中不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在制作一个关于产品(颜色等)的选择的脚本,除了 Internet Explorer (11)& Edge

I am making a script for choices about a product (colors etc), which works in every browser except for Internet Explorer (11) & Edge.

我将每个参数的选项放在一个数组中,并使用数组向它们应用一个函数。 forEach()方法。

I put the choices of each parameter in a array and apply a function to them with the array.forEach() method.


var color_btns = document.querySelectorAll('#color > p');
color_btns.forEach(function(color) {
    color.onclick = function () {
        color_btns.forEach(function(element) {
            if (element.classList.contains('selected')) {
        document.querySelector('#f_color').value = color.dataset.id;

我在 IE &的控制台中得到以下输出 Edge

I get the following output in the console of both IE & Edge:

在搜索了这个问题之后,我了解到这个函数应该是支持。我试图自己定义功能但没有成功。当我记录该函数时,它被定义为一个函数(里面有 [native code]

After searching about the issue, I learnt that this function should be supported by IE 9 and newer. I tried to define the function by myself without success. When I log the function it is defined as a function (with "[native code]" inside).

我用替换每个 .forEach ,它运作良好,

I replaced every .forEach by a for and it's working pretty well,

  • 但我怎样才能使它工作?

  • 是否有特定用途的 forEach() for Internet Explorer & Edge

  • but how can I make it work ?
  • Is there a specific usage of the forEach() for Internet Explorer & Edge ?

我认为它是 Array.prototype.forEach 以及IE的最近版本(以及Edge的所有版本)都有...?

I thought it was Array.prototype.forEach and that recent versions of IE (and all versions of Edge) had it...?


返回不是数组,它是。最近才得到 forEach (以及与JavaScript的迭代协议的兼容性,让你将它们用作的目标for-of 和点差表示法。

The return value of querySelectorAll isn't an array, it's a NodeList. That only recently got forEach (and compatibility with JavaScript's iteration protocol, letting you use them as the targets of for-of and spread notation).

您可以轻松地将 forEach 填充:

if (typeof NodeList !== "undefined" && NodeList.prototype && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
    // Yes, there's really no need for `Object.defineProperty` here
    NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;

在这种情况下直接分配是正常的,因为可枚举可配置可写应该都是 true 并且它是一个值属性。 (可枚举 true 让我感到惊讶,但这就是它在Chrome,Firefox,Edge和Safari上本地定义的方式)。

Direct assignment is fine in this case, because enumerable, configurable, and writable should all be true and it's a value property. (enumerable being true surprised me, but that's how it's defined natively on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari).

这篇关于forSeach querySelectorAll在最近的Microsoft浏览器中不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 23:43