在运行配置中还显示:启用高级分析(仅API级别< 26才需要)所以我将我的编译SDK提升到了26,但还是没有运气.如果相关,则该应用程序为多dex应用程序.任何有关我所缺少的内容或这是否是Canary 8中已知问题的建议都将受到赞赏.注意:文档状态启用会降低我的构建速度,但似乎对我的构建速度没有任何影响,这让我想知道是否忽略了该设置.解决方案我终于通过执行以下操作使其工作:在26下保留编译SDK在运行配置中,已激活启用高级配置",即使它指出仅对于API级别< 26禁用Proguard(这似乎是最重要的)On Android Studio 3.0 Canary 3 if I remember correctly advanced profiling worked without problems, once it was enabled in the run configuration. However after upgrading to AS 3 Canary 8 even if I enable advanced profiling, clean, rebuild and deploy to a Google Pixel running Android 7.1.2 the Android Profiler keeps telling me, that "Advanced profiling is unavailable for the selected process".In the run configuration it also says:Enable advanced profiling (required for API level < 26 only)so I raised my compile SDK to 26 - but still no luck. The application is a multi-dex application in case that is relevant.Any suggestions as to what I am missing or whether this is a known issue in Canary 8 would be highly appreciated.Note: The documentation states that enabling will slow down my build speed, but it doesn't seem to have any impact on my build speed, which makes me wonder if the setting is ignored. 解决方案 I finally got it to work by doing the following:Leave compile SDK at 26In the run configuration have "Enable advanced profiling" activated, even though it states this is only needed for API level < 26Disable Proguard (this seems to be the most important) 这篇关于Android Studio 3.0 Canary 8:高级分析不适用于所选进程的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!