我使用的是Internet Explorer 8,而不是选择。我需要在其中调试脚本。但是,无论我单击开发人员工具图标多少次,在工具下或单击F12,它都不会显示。有时,我可以看到它在任务栏中被最小化,但是当我真正去点击它时。它不会显示...
I am using Internet Explorer 8, not by choice. I need to debug a script in it. However, no matter how many times I click the Developer Tools Icon, under Tools or click F12 it will not show up. Sometimes, I can see that it is minimized in the taskbar but when I actually go to click it. It will not show up...
Does anyone know how to get it to work or what the problem is? I tried updating restarting killing all the processes with no luck.
窗口/工具栏可能在屏幕外(通常是方式向左)或零大小。如果@ EricLaw的建议不起作用,我建议卸载然后重新安装(在卸载和重新安装之间注销或重新启动以允许任何挂起的删除完成)。
The window/toolbar may be off-screen (often way off to the left) or have a zero size. If @EricLaw's suggestion doesn't work I'd recommend uninstalling and then reinstalling (log off or reboot between the uninstall and reinstall to allow any pending deletes to finalize).
多年来,我遇到过各种应用程序的类似问题,特别是如果你在应用程序被最小化时关闭它(偶尔,即使最大化)。在保存窗口/工具栏大小和/或位置之前,开发人员通常没有考虑这些条件,导致下一次启动时出现一组无效坐标。根本原因可以追溯到Windows 3.x和 GetWindowPlacement
I've encountered similar issues with various applications over the years, especially if you've shut down the application while it is minimized (occasionally, even if maximized). Often the developers haven't taken these conditions into account before saving the window/toolbar size and/or position, resulting in a set of invalid coordinates for the next launch. The root cause goes way back to Windows 3.x and the GetWindowPlacement
这篇关于IE 8开发人员工具无法在Windows中运行?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!