当我尝试在IE11(在Windows 10上)中浏览至netflix.com(例如)时,IE11显示标题为我们建议在Microsoft Edge中查看此网站"的页面,并且该网站会自动在边缘.
您曾问过" 有人知道它是如何工作的吗?是通过内部编译的网站列表还是我可以在我的网站上设置的内容完成的?"
当用户访问与Internet Explorer不兼容的站点时,他们将被自动重定向到Microsoft Edge.有关更多详细信息,您可以参考
MS Edge 87 或更高版本的浏览器将安装名为 IEToEdgeBHO 的BHO,该BHO将根据从IE到IE浏览器的IE兼容性列表执行重定向.
C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Microsoft \ Edge \ Application \< Your_browser_version> \ BHO
如果您想使用自己网站中的代码来实现类似的目的,则可以参考此 answer .该测试显示了Edge旧版浏览器的结果,但它也可以与Edge(Chromium)浏览器一起使用.
When I try to browse to netflix.com (for example) in IE11 (on Windows 10), IE11 shows a page with the title "We recommend viewing this website in Microsoft Edge", and the site automatically gets opened in Edge.
Does anyone know how that works? Is it done via an internally compiled list of sites or something I can set up on my website?
You had asked, "Does anyone know how that works? Is it done via an internally compiled list of sites or something I can set up on my website?"
When a user goes to a site that is incompatible with Internet Explorer, they will be automatically redirected to Microsoft Edge. For more detailed information, you can refer to the Redirection from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge for compatibility with modern web sites.
Microsoft maintains a list of all sites that are known to be incompatible with Internet Explorer. You can view the site list here. If you want to add your site to the incompatible site list then you can refer to the Request an update to the IE compatibility list.
The MS Edge 87 or greater browser installs the BHO named IEToEdgeBHO that performs the redirection based on IE compatibility list from IE to Edge browser.
You can find this BHO at the location below on your machine.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\<Your_browser_version>\BHO
If you want to achieve something similar using the code in your own site then you can refer to the example on this answer. The test shows results for the Edge legacy browser but it can also work with the Edge (Chromium) browser.
Note: that the example code mentioned in the answer may break when the Edge browser is not installed on the machine. so you can try to modify the example to handle that kind of situation.
Helpful reference: