本文介绍了Microsoft Edge请求后退/前进按钮上的新页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


单击后退和前进按钮时,最新版本的Microsoft Edge浏览器(41.162 ...)请求一个新页面.我已经在多个平台上测试了多个浏览器,只有Edge表现出这种行为.

The latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser (41.162...) requests a new page when the back and forward buttons are clicked. I've tested multiple browsers on multiple platforms and only Edge exhibits this behavior.

这是一个 测试页 ,其中显示了创建该页面的时间戳.单击下一页"链接,然后使用后退和前进按钮.请注意,Edge的时间戳每次都不同,而其他浏览器则不同.

Here's a test page that displays the timestamp the page was created. Click the "Next Page" link and then use the back and forward buttons. Notice that the timestamp is different each time for Edge but not other browsers.


The previous version of Edge did not request a new page each time.


我认为StackOverflow并不是发布此内容的最佳位置,因为除了通过您绕过大多数浏览器内部组件之外,没有其他简便的解决方法自己的用户界面和缓存,并且可以通过用户单击他们习惯的后退按钮来解决.我建议在Edge上提交一个错误: http://bugs.microsoftedge.com 找出它是由设计与否,并可能将其修复.此外,请确保说明为什么这对您的网站,尤其是最终用户有影响.

I don't think StackOverflow is the best place to post this as there won't be an easy workaround for this beside circumventing most of the browser internals via your own UI & cacheing and that can be broken by the user clicking the back button that they're accustomed to. I recommend filing a bug on Edge here: http://bugs.microsoftedge.com to find out if it's by design or not and potentially get it fixed. Additionally, please make sure to state why this is impactful to your site and more importantly to your end users.


One reason I can see fetching the URL again is that the content will be fresh because not every user wants to go back to "stale" content they just want to go back to that page, for example - and doing a new navigate ensures a clean slate.

这篇关于Microsoft Edge请求后退/前进按钮上的新页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 22:46