我一直在寻找一些方法来实现对我的绘画应用程序的橡皮擦功能的所有夜晚。最常见的答案是简单地画在背景颜色或图像,而是因为我实现多层该解决方案将不会为我的应用程序工作(GIMP / Photoshop的样式)。
I have been searching all evening for some way to implement an eraser function for my drawing app. The most common answer is to simply paint the background color or image in, but this solution will not work for my application because I am implementing multiple layers (Gimp/Photoshop style).
用户应该能够得出一个符合作为多层次提供他们喜欢的笔刷工具(我drawingview的的onDraw方法绘制layer0 ... layerX在彼此的顶部)。当然,如果他们选择橡皮擦工具,应该引起他们追查到变得透明当前层的任何区域。
The user should be able to draw a line with the brush tools provided in as many layers as they like (the onDraw method of my drawingview draws layer0...layerX on top of each other). Then if they choose the eraser tool it should cause any area of the current layer that they trace over to become transparent.
I cannot seem to find an appropriate class/function built in and am unsure how I could write it myself. I tried to do something like
Paint paint = new Paint();
and then use that Paint object to draw with, but that only draws an 'invisible' line.
paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
but that just seemed to draw as normal and without effect. I'm probably using it incorrectly, but the Android documentation does not contain a clear description of what it does. I just happened to see it in some examples about modifying bitmaps.
I can supply code as needed, I am just not sure what would be helpful to solve my problem. Being pointed in the right direction would be the biggest help as I have not been successful with Google.
You can find the implementation of eraser function, create new canvas, brush function and save function, on this link :
it's have very good tutorial for making drawing app on android using motion event.