


I have a Fabric.js canvas and I want to implement the full-canvas panning that software packages usually do with a "hand" tool. It's when you press one of the mouse buttons, then move over the canvas while holding the mouse button and the visible portion of the canvas changes accordingly.

您可以在此视频中看到 我想要实现的目标.

You can see in this video what I want to achieve.


In order to implement this functionality I wrote the following code:

$(canvas.wrapperEl).on('mousemove', function(evt) {
    if (evt.button == 2) { // 2 is the right mouse button
            x: evt.clientX,
            y: evt.clientY

但是它不起作用.您可以在此视频中看到 会发生什么.

But it doesn't work. You can see in this video what happens.


  1. 要像第一个视频一样平移吗?

  1. For panning to work like in the first video?


For the event handler to consume the event? It should prevent the context menu from appearing when the user presses or releases the right mouse button.


平移Fabric画布以响应鼠标移动的一种简单方法是计算鼠标事件之间的光标位移并将其传递给 relativePan .

An easy way to pan a Fabric canvas in response to mouse movement is to calculate the cursor displacement between mouse events and pass it to relativePan.

观察如何使用上一个鼠标事件的 screenX screenY 属性来计算当前鼠标事件的相对位置:

Observe how we can use the screenX and screenY properties of the previous mouse event to calculate the relative position of the current mouse event:

function startPan(event) {
  if (event.button != 2) {
  var x0 = event.screenX,
      y0 = event.screenY;
  function continuePan(event) {
    var x = event.screenX,
        y = event.screenY;
    fc.relativePan({ x: x - x0, y: y - y0 });
    x0 = x;
    y0 = y;
  function stopPan(event) {
    $(window).off('mousemove', continuePan);
    $(window).off('mouseup', stopPan);
function cancelMenu() {
  $(window).off('contextmenu', cancelMenu);
  return false;

我们开始在 mousedown 上平移,然后继续在 mousemove 上平移.在 mouseup 上,我们取消了平移;我们还取消了 mouseup 取消功能本身.

We start panning on mousedown and continue panning on mousemove. On mouseup, we cancel the panning; we also cancel the mouseup-cancelling function itself.

通过返回 false 取消右键单击菜单,也称为上下文菜单.取消菜单功能也会自行取消.因此,如果您随后在画布包装器外部单击,则上下文菜单将起作用.

The right-click menu, also known as the context menu, is cancelled by returning false. The menu-cancelling function also cancels itself. Thus, the context menu will work if you subsequently click outside the canvas wrapper.


Here is a page demonstrating this approach:



You will see three images on a Fabric canvas (it may take a moment or two for the images to load). You'll be able to use the standard Fabric functionality. You can left-click on the images to move them around, stretch them, and rotate them. But when you right-click within the canvas container, you pan the whole Fabric canvas with the mouse.


07-16 21:54