我正在尝试打开套接字服务器,我有下面的代码,但是我的问题是,当我尝试 作为客户端使用命令行(telnet ip端口)连接到服务器,我只能输入1个字母,仅此而已,我无能为力,怎么办 我这样做是为了让客户可以发送任何东西,直到他们点击或键入EXIT?
I am trying to open a socket server, I have the code below but my problem is that when I try to connect as a client to the server using the command line (telnet ip port), i only get to type 1 letter and that's it, i can't do anything else, how can I make it so that the client can send anything until they hit or type EXIT?
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim serverSocket As New TcpListener(8888)
Dim clientSocket As TcpClient
Dim counter As Integer
msg("Server Started")
counter = 0
While (True)
counter += 1
clientSocket = serverSocket.AcceptTcpClient()
msg("Client No:" + Convert.ToString(counter) + " started!")
Dim client As New handleClient
client.startClient(clientSocket, Convert.ToString(counter))
End While
End Sub
Sub msg(ByVal mesg As String)
Console.WriteLine(" >> " + mesg)
End Sub
Public Class handleClient
Dim clientSocket As TcpClient
Dim clNo As String
Public Sub startClient(ByVal inClientSocket As TcpClient, _
ByVal clineNo As String)
Me.clientSocket = inClientSocket
Me.clNo = clineNo
Dim ctThread As Threading.Thread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf doChat)
End Sub
Private Sub doChat()
Dim requestCount As Integer
Dim bytesFrom(10024) As Byte
Dim dataFromClient As String
Dim sendBytes As [Byte]()
Dim serverResponse As String
Dim rCount As String
requestCount = 0
While (True)
requestCount = requestCount + 1
Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = _
networkStream.Read(bytesFrom, 0, CInt(clientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize))
dataFromClient = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesFrom)
'dataFromClient = _
'dataFromClient.Substring(0, dataFromClient.IndexOf("$"))
msg("From client-" + clNo + dataFromClient)
rCount = Convert.ToString(requestCount)
serverResponse = "Server to clinet(" + clNo + ") " + rCount
sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(serverResponse)
networkStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End While
End Sub
End Class
'Sub Main()
' ' Must listen on correct port- must be same as port client wants to connect on.
' Const portNumber As Integer = 8000
' Dim tcpListener As New TcpListener(portNumber)
' tcpListener.Start()
' Console.WriteLine("Waiting for connection...")
' While (True)
' Try
' 'Accept the pending client connection and return
' 'a TcpClient initialized for communication.
' Dim tcpClient As TcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient()
' Console.WriteLine("Connection accepted.")
' ' Get the stream
' Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()
' ' Read the stream into a byte array
' Dim bytes(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte
' Dim clientdata As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes)
' Do Until clientdata.Contains("exit")
' clientdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes)
' Loop
' networkStream.Read(bytes, 0, CInt(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize))
' ' Return the data received from the client to the console.
' Console.WriteLine(("Client sent: " + clientdata))
' Dim responseString As String = "Message Received, thank you."
' Dim sendBytes As [Byte]() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(responseString)
' networkStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length)
' Console.WriteLine(("Message Sent to> : " + responseString))
' 'Any communication with the remote client using the TcpClient can go here.
' 'Close TcpListener and TcpClient.
' tcpClient.Close()
' Console.WriteLine("exit")
' Catch e As Exception
' Console.WriteLine(e.ToString())
' Console.ReadLine()
' End Try
' End While
' tcpListener.Stop()
' Console.WriteLine("exit")
' Console.ReadLine()
'End Sub
End Module
Each tcp connection is basically a new thread, so I would look at modifying you code to something like below, but remember I knocked this up quickly and it may need a tweak here and there..
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System
Module Main
Sub Main
' start listening for new connections
Dim listener As New TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 8888)
While True
Dim User As New Client(listener.AcceptTcpClient)
End While
End Module
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class Client
'used for sending/receiving data
Private data() As Byte
Private _CurrentClient As TcpClient
Public Sub New(ByVal Client As TcpClient)
_CurrentClient = Client
ReDim data(_CurrentClient.ReceiveBufferSize)
_CurrentClient.GetStream.BeginRead(data, 0, CInt(_CurrentClient.ReceiveBufferSize), AddressOf ReceiveMessage, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub ReceiveMessage(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
'read from client
Dim bytesRead As Integer
SyncLock _CurrentClient.GetStream
bytesRead = _CurrentClient.GetStream.EndRead(ar)
End SyncLock
'client has disconnected
If bytesRead < 1 Then
Exit Sub
'get the message sent
Dim messageReceived As String = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytesRead)
End If
'continue reading from client
SyncLock _CurrentClient.GetStream
_CurrentClient.GetStream.BeginRead(data, 0, CInt(_CurrentClient.ReceiveBufferSize), AddressOf ReceiveMessage, Nothing)
End SyncLock
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("Error occurred: " & ex.Message & " Removing client")
Catch ex1 As Exception
End Try
End Try
End Sub
End Class