I'm trying to create a bitset according to the type send to the function. But let's reduce the test case a little.
Warning : I'm using auto gcc extension for this example, I don't need to use template parameter.
namespace hana = boost::hana;
constexpr decltype(auto) rec(auto i, auto max, auto f, auto returnValue) {
return returnValue |= f(i);
if constexpr (i < max) //"infinite" loop if no constexpr
return rec(i + hana::size_c<1>, max, f, returnValue);
return returnValue;
constexpr decltype(auto) foo(auto ct, auto ... type) {
constexpr auto tuple = hana::make_tuple(type...);
constexpr unsigned long returnValue = 0L;
constexpr auto f = [tuple, ct] (auto i) {
if (hana::contains(tuple, ct[i]))
return 0 << decltype(i)::value;
return 0;
return rec(hana::size_c<0>, hana::size_c<3>, f, returnValue);
struct T1 {};
struct T2 {};
struct T3 {};
int main () {
constexpr auto t1 = hana::type_c<T1>;
constexpr auto t2 = hana::type_c<T2>;
constexpr auto t3 = hana::type_c<T3>;
constexpr auto ct = hana::make_tuple(t1, t2, t3);
constexpr auto test = foo(ct, t1, t2);
好像我的元组不被认为是可搜索的,但是如果我尝试相同的hana ::包含在lambda之外,我就没问题.
Seems like my tuple is not considered Searchable, but if I try the same hana::contains outside the lambda I got no problem.
The whole error is huge so check it there : live demo
顺便说一句,我尝试使用for循环执行此操作,但失败了.您知道在C ++ 17/20中做这种事情的好方法吗?
By the way, I tried to do this with a for loop but failed. Do you know a good way of doing this kind of things in C++17/20 ?
The error is caused by an out of bounds access caused by the use of manual recursion. Part of the purpose of functional programming is to provide constructs to eliminate the possibility of these kinds of mistakes.
这里有一些示例,但是建议您阅读有关该概念的手册 hana::Foldable
Here are a few examples, but it is recommended to take a look at the manual for the concept hana::Foldable
as it is really foundational in using Boost.Hana.
hides the recursion for you and can reduce the amount of recursive calls via fast-tracking:
constexpr decltype(auto) foo = [](auto ct, auto ... type) {
constexpr auto tuple = hana::make_tuple(type...);
return hana::fold_left(hana::make_range(hana::size_c<0>, hana::size_c<3>), 0L,
[tuple, ct](auto returnValue, auto i)
// returnValue param is not constexpr
if (hana::contains(tuple, ct[i])) {
return returnValue | (1 << decltype(i)::value);
return returnValue;
eliminates recursion altogether using variadic pack expansion:
constexpr decltype(auto) foo = [](auto ct, auto ... type) {
constexpr auto tuple = hana::make_tuple(type...);
auto f = [tuple, ct](auto i)
return hana::contains(tuple, ct[i]) ? (1 << decltype(i)::value) : 0;
return hana::unpack(hana::make_range(hana::size_c<0>, hana::size_c<3>),
[f](auto ...i) { return (f(i) | ...); }
这篇关于如何使用Boost Hana删除元编程递归的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!