


Following the approach of this answer I am trying to understand what happens exactly and how expressions and generated functions work in Julia within the concept of metaprogramming.


The goal is to optimize a recursive function using expressions and generated functions (for a concrete example you can have a look at the question answered in the link provided above).


Consider the following modified fibonacci function, in which I want to compute the fibonacci series up to n and multiply it by a number p.


function fib(n::Integer, p::Real)
    if n <= 1
        return 1 * p
        return n * fib(n-1, p)

第一步,我可以定义一个返回 expression 而不是计算值的函数

As a first step, I could define a function which returns an expression instead of the computed value

function fib_expr(n::Integer, p::Symbol)
    if n <= 1
        return :(1 * $p)
        return :($n * $(fib_expr(n-1, p)))


julia> ex = fib_expr(3, :myp)
:(3 * (2 * (1myp)))

这样,我得到一个完全展开的表达式,该表达式取决于分配给符号myp的值.这样,我再也看不到递归了,基本上我是 metaprogramming :我创建了一个函数,该函数创建了另一个函数"(在这种情况下,我们称其为表达式).现在,我可以设置myp = 0.5并调用eval(ex)来计算结果.但是,这比第一种方法.

In this way I get an expression which is fully expanded and depends on the value assigned to the symbol myp. In this way I do not see the recursion anymore, basically I am metaprogramming: I created a function that creates another "function" (in this case we call it expression though).I can now set myp = 0.5 and call eval(ex) to compute the result.However, this is slower than the first approach.


What I can do though, is to generate a parametric function in the following way

@generated function fib_gen{n}(::Type{Val{n}}, p::Real)
    return fib_expr(n, :p)

神奇的是,调用fib_gen(Val{3}, 0.5)可以完成任务,而且速度非常快.

And magically, calling fib_gen(Val{3}, 0.5) gets things done, and is incredibly fast.
So, what is going on?

据我所知,在第一次调用fib_gen(Val{3}, 0.5)时,将编译参数函数fib_gen{Val{3}}(...),其内容是通过fib_expr(3, :p)获得的完全扩展的表达式,即3*2*1*p,其中p替换为输入价值.之所以这么快,是因为fib_gen基本上只是一系列乘法,而原始的fib必须在堆栈上分配每个递归调用,这会使它变慢,我正确吗?

To my understanding, in the first call to fib_gen(Val{3}, 0.5), the parametric function fib_gen{Val{3}}(...) gets compiled and its content is the fully expanded expression obtained through fib_expr(3, :p), i.e. 3*2*1*p with p substituted with the input value.The reason why it is so fast then, is because fib_gen is basically just a series of multiplications, whereas the original fib has to allocate on the stack every single recursive call making it slower, am I correct?

要给出一些数字,这是我的简短基准测试using BenchmarkTools.

To give some numbers, here is my short benchmark using BenchmarkTools.

julia> @benchmark fib(10, 0.5)
mean time: 26.373 ns

julia> p = 0.5

julia> @benchmark eval(fib_expr(10, :p))
mean time: 177.906 μs

julia> @benchmark fib_gen(Val{10}, 0.5)
mean time: 2.046 ns


  • 第二种情况为什么这么慢?
  • ::Type{Val{n}}的确切含义是什么? (我从上面链接的答案中复制了该内容)
  • 由于使用JIT编译器,有时我会迷失在编译时运行时的情况,例如这里的情况...
  • Why the second case is so slow?
  • What exactly is and means ::Type{Val{n}}? (I copied that from the answer linked above)
  • Because of the JIT compiler, sometimes I am lost in what happens at compile-time and at run-time, as it is the case here...


Furthermore, I tried to combine fib_expr and fib_gen in a single function according to

@generated function fib_tot{n}(::Type{Val{n}}, p::Real)
    if n <= 1
        return :(1 * p)
        return :(n * fib_tot(Val{n-1}, p))


julia> @benchmark fib_tot(Val{10}, 0.5)
mean time: 4.601 μs


What am I doing wrong here? Is it even possible to combine fib_expr and fib_gen in a single function?


I realize this is more a monograph rather than a question, however, even though I read the metaprogramming section few times, I am having a hard time to grasp everything, in particular with an applied example such as this one.




It will be easier to start with "normal" macros first. I'll relax the definition you used a bit:

function fib_expr(n::Integer, p)
    if n <= 1
        return :(1 * $p)
        return :($n * $(fib_expr(n-1, p)))


That allows to pass in more than just symbols for p, like integer literals or whole expressions. Given this, we can define a macro for the same functionality:

macro fib_macro(n::Integer, p)
    fib_expr(n, p)

现在,如果在代码中的任何地方使用@fib_macro 45 1,则在编译时它将首先被长嵌套表达式替换

Now, if @fib_macro 45 1 is used anywhere in the code, at compile time it will first be replaced by a long nested expression

:(45 * (44 * ... * (1 * 1)) ... )


and then compiled normally -- to a constant.

这就是宏的全部.在编译时替换语法;并且通过递归,这可以是在编译​​和对表达式的函数求值之间任意漫长的更改.对于本质上是恒定但又繁琐的事情而言,它非常有用:一个示例示例是 Base.Math.@ evalpoly .

That's all there is to macros, really. Replacing syntax during compile time; and by recursion, this can be an arbitrarily long alteration between compiling, and evaluating functions on expressions. And for things that are essentially constant, but tedious to write otherwise, it is very useful: a bood example example is Base.Math.@evalpoly.

但是它有一个问题,就是您无法检查仅在运行时才知道的值:您无法实现fib(n) = @fib_macro n 1,因为在编译时,n是代表参数的符号,而不是数字,您可以派遣.

But it has the problem that you cannot inspect values which are only known at runtime: you can't implement fib(n) = @fib_macro n 1, since at compile time, n is a symbol representing the parameter, and not a number you can dispatch on.


The next best solution to this would be to use

fib_eval(n::Integer) = eval(fib_expr(n, 1))


which works, but will repeat the compilation process every time it is called -- and that is much more overhead than the original function, since now at runtime, we perform the whole recursion on the expression tree and then call the compiler on the result. Not good.

因此,我们需要一种混合运行时和编译时间的方法.输入@generated功能.它们将在运行时以 type 进行分派,然后像定义函数体的宏一样工作.

So we need a way to intermingle runtime and compile time. Enter @generated functions. These will at runtime dispatch on a type, and then work like a macro defining the function body.


First about type dispatch. If we have

f(x) = x + 1


and have a function call f(1), about the following will happen:

  1. 确定参数的类型(Int)
  2. 查阅函数的方法表以找到最佳的匹配方法
  3. 如果方法主体是针对特定的Int参数类型(如果之前没有做过的话),则进行编译
  4. 根据具体参数评估编译后的方法
  1. The type of the argument is determined (Int)
  2. The method table of the function is consulted to find the best matching method
  3. The method body is compiled for the specific Int argument type, if that hasn't been done before
  4. The compiled method is evaluated on the concrete argument


If we then enter f(1.0), the same will happen again, with a new, different specialized method being compiled for Float64, based on the same function body.


Now, Julia has the peculiar feature that you can use numbers as types. That means that the dispatch process outlined above will also work on the following function:

g(::Type{Val{N}}) where N = N + 1

有点棘手.请记住,类型本身就是Julia中的值:Int isa Type.

That's a bit tricky. Remember that types are themselves values in Julia: Int isa Type.

在这里,每个NVal{N}是所谓的 singleton类型,它只有一个实例,即Val{N}()-就像Int是具有很多实例的类型0-11-2,....

Here, Val{N} is for every N a so-called singleton type having exactly one instance, namely Val{N}() -- just like Int is a type having many instances 0, -1, 1, -2, ....

Type{T}也是单例类型,其单个实例类型为T . IntType{Int},而Val{3}Type{Val{3}}-实际上,这两个都是它们类型的唯一值.

Type{T} is also a singleton type, having as its single instance the type T. Int is a Type{Int}, and Val{3} is a Type{Val{3}} -- in fact, both are the only values of their type.


So, for each N, there is a type Val{N}, being the single instance of Type{Val{N}}. Thus, g will be dispatched and compiled for each single N. This is how we can dispatch on numbers as types. This already allows for optimization:

julia> @code_llvm g(Val{1})

define i64 @julia_g_61158(i8**) #0 !dbg !5 {
  ret i64 2

julia> @code_llvm f(1)

define i64 @julia_f_61076(i64) #0 !dbg !5 {
  %1 = shl i64 %0, 2
  %2 = or i64 %1, 3
  %3 = mul i64 %2, %0
  %4 = add i64 %3, 2
  ret i64 %4


But remember that it requires compilation for each new N at the first call.


(And fkt(::T) is just short for fkt(x::T) if you don't use x in the body.)


Finally to generated functions. They work as a slight modification of the above dispatch pattern:

  1. 确定参数的类型(Int)
  2. 查阅函数的方法表以找到最佳的匹配方法
  3. 方法主体被视为宏,如果以前没有做过,则以Int参数类型作为参数调用.生成的表达式被编译成方法.
  4. 根据具体参数评估编译后的方法
  1. The type of the argument is determined (Int)
  2. The method table of the function is consulted to find the best matching method
  3. The method body is treated as a macro and called with the Int argument type as a parameter, if that hasn't been done before. The resulting expression is compiled into a method.
  4. The compiled method is evaluated on the concrete argument


This pattern allows to change the implementation for each type which the function is dispatched on.


For our concrete setting, we want to dispatch on the Val types representing the arguments of the Fibonacci sequence:

@generated function fib_gen{n}(::Type{Val{n}}, p::Real)
    return fib_expr(n, :p)


You now see that your explanation was exactly right:


I hope that the whole story has also answered all three of your listed questions:

  1. 使用eval的实现每次都会复制递归,再加上编译的开销
  2. Val是将数字提升为类型的窍门,而Type{T}仅包含T的单例类型-但我希望这些示例足够有用
  3. 编译时间不在执行之前,这是由于JIT所致–它是每次方法第一次被编译时,因为它被调用了.
  1. The implementation using eval replicates the recursion every time, plus the overhead of compilation
  2. Val is a trick to lift numbers to types, and Type{T} the singleton type containing only T -- but I hope the examples were helpful enough
  3. Compile time is not before execution, because of JIT -- it is every time a method gets compiled first time, because it get's called.


07-16 20:48