ann_text<-data.frame(x ="S4-conv",y = 1.75,lab ="2014",Rot.Herb= NA,值= NA,变量= NA,N = NA,sd = NA,se = NA,ci = NA,Rot = factor("4-year",levels = c("2-year","3-year","4-year")))
运行 p + geom_text(data = ann_text,label ="2014")
后,我收到一条错误消息,提示 Error:将离散值提供给连续刻度
事实证明,问题是,当您在 ann_text
中包含 value = NA
时,它将被解释为逻辑(而不是数字,这是 Shannon.long2
以确保将 value = NA_real _
(除了 NA
)> ann_text value
解释为数字并解决错误.或将 value
设置为任意数字,例如 value = 0
在下面的示例中,我删除了所有 theme
和 lab
p = ggplot(Shannon.long2,aes(x = Rot.Herb,y = value,fill = factor(variable)))+geom_bar(stat ="identity",position ="dodge")+geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = value-se,ymax = value + se),size = 0.5,width = .25,position = position_dodge(.9))+facet_grid(〜Rot,scales ="free_x",space ="free_x")ann_text<-data.frame(x ="S4-conv",y = 1.75,lab ="2014",Rot.Herb = NA,值= NA_real_,变量= NA)p + geom_text(数据= ann_text,aes(label = lab,x,y))
请注意,您还需要将 x
和 y
值提供给 geom_text
另一种选择是仅使用与原始数据框中相同的x和y变量名称,因为ggplot已经知道这些名称并已基于它们缩放了图形.现在,我们需要添加的唯一缺少的列是 variable
ann_text<-data.frame(Rot.Herb ="S4-conv",值= 1.75,lab ="2014",变量= NA)p + geom_text(数据= ann_text,aes(标签=实验室,Rot.Herb,值))
My question is related to this question. I want "2014" in the 4-year facet. I tried to repeat but my code doesn't give what I want.
Annotating text on individual facet in ggplot2
This is my data
structure(list(Rot = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L,
3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("2-year",
"3-year", "4-year"), class = "factor"), Rot.Herb = structure(c(3L,
3L, 4L, 4L, 13L, 13L, 14L, 14L, 5L, 5L, 6L, 6L, 9L, 9L, 10L,
10L, 15L, 15L, 16L, 16L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 7L, 7L, 8L, 8L, 11L,
11L, 12L, 12L, 17L, 17L, 18L, 18L), .Label = c("A4-conv", "A4-low",
"C2-conv", "C2-low", "C3-conv", "C3-low", "C4-conv", "C4-low",
"O3-conv", "O3-low", "O4-conv", "O4-low", "S2-conv", "S2-low",
"S3-conv", "S3-low", "S4-conv", "S4-low"), class = "factor"),
variable = structure(c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L,
2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L,
1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("Diversity",
"Evenness"), class = "factor"), N = c(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4), value = c(0.78537789925, 0.613408315,
1.305194686, 0.79519430975, 0.4481728555, 0.30608817425,
1.20978861475, 0.8580643725, 0.92387324875, 0.630166121,
0.945954185, 0.561172324, 1.43952456275, 0.8616864655, 1.23679146725,
0.831737624, 1.033474108, 0.80689293925, 0.9910142125, 0.79342098075,
1.175512223, 0.6293940245, 0.981614832, 0.62342189825, 1.351710013,
0.805075937, 1.6598348325, 0.7983622545, 1.01606920875, 0.5751418795,
1.0500365255, 0.56408326225, 1.07162937725, 0.6756859865,
0.45699816625, 0.44444147325), sd = c(0.354077266902404,
0.208934910331856, 0.169501822767995, 0.0774319459391732,
0.737366460962239, 0.40697977697835, 0.494107033311986, 0.11906912863268,
0.491492768082854, 0.34236657107712, 0.219739438843007, 0.205905593411204,
0.319301583035043, 0.0696484379979274, 0.0563293598951725,
0.0978700910274188, 0.446850757364563, 0.175073468716825,
0.426859848850874, 0.180469101499932, 0.526842123835502,
0.200470277385505, 0.574885944755375, 0.27189545397305, 0.39621771945215,
0.150798258847229, 0.275863362594154, 0.111178397407429,
0.254811233135664, 0.158920851982914, 0.198698241334475,
0.0730606635175717, 0.717706309307313, 0.453776579066358,
0.574276936403411, 0.513758415496589), se = c(0.177038633451202,
0.104467455165928, 0.0847509113839974, 0.0387159729695866,
0.368683230481119, 0.203489888489175, 0.247053516655993,
0.0595345643163399, 0.245746384041427, 0.17118328553856,
0.109869719421504, 0.102952796705602, 0.159650791517521,
0.0348242189989637, 0.0281646799475863, 0.0489350455137094,
0.223425378682282, 0.0875367343584126, 0.213429924425437,
0.090234550749966, 0.263421061917751, 0.100235138692753,
0.287442972377688, 0.135947726986525, 0.198108859726075,
0.0753991294236146, 0.137931681297077, 0.0555891987037145,
0.127405616567832, 0.0794604259914568, 0.0993491206672376,
0.0365303317587859, 0.358853154653656, 0.226888289533179,
0.287138468201705, 0.256879207748294), ci = c(0.563415944919255,
0.332462066715199, 0.26971522480343, 0.123211505132525, 1.1733145846647,
0.647595643784969, 0.786234551289211, 0.189465554245211,
0.782074671929471, 0.544781614588516, 0.349654482635521,
0.327641747494367, 0.508080071600555, 0.110826207087643,
0.089632581638694, 0.155733154793995, 0.71103927089404, 0.278580956835532,
0.679229274424713, 0.287166612643164, 0.838323385234058,
0.318992946792351, 0.914771825423139, 0.432646341459985,
0.630470808679215, 0.23995368085579, 0.438960169525453, 0.176909640028318,
0.40546153371869, 0.252878539112781, 0.316173242000635, 0.116255819336536,
1.14203089616693, 0.722059798737006, 0.91380275723334, 0.817504285602766
)), .Names = c("Rot", "Rot.Herb", "variable", "N", "value",
"sd", "se", "ci"), row.names = c(NA, -36L), class = "data.frame")
and the code to graph
p <- ggplot(Shannon.long2, aes(x=Rot.Herb, y=value, fill=factor(variable)))+
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge")+
scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major=element_blank()) +
facet_grid(~Rot, scales = "free_x", space="free_x")+
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-se, ymax=value+se), size=0.5, width=.25,position=position_dodge(.9))+
xlab("\nTreatment") +
theme(axis.title = element_text(size=24,face="bold", vjust=4), axis.text.x = element_text(size=20,angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
ylab("Shannon's H' and E'") +
theme(axis.title = element_text(size=24,face="bold", vjust=2), axis.text.y = element_text(size=20, color="black"))+
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "black", size = 20), strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))
produced graph (please don't mind the "2014" on the y-axis).
New code to annotate 2014, with help from eipi10
ann_text <- data.frame(x = "S4-conv",y = 1.75,lab = "2014", Rot.Herb=NA,
value=NA, variable=NA,
N=NA, sd=NA, se=NA, ci=NA,
Rot = factor("4-year",levels = c("2-year","3-year","4-year")))
I got an error saying Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale
after I run p + geom_text(data = ann_text,label = "2014")
. Please see what have been wrong with my code and data format. Thanks.
It turns out the issue is that when you include value=NA
in ann_text
it gets interpreted as logical (rather than numeric, which is its mode in Shannon.long2
), causing the error because ggplot expects a numeric variable rather than a categorical one. Set value=NA_real_
(in addition to NA
, R has class-specific missing value constants; see ?NA
for more info) in ann_text
to ensure value
is interpreted as numeric and resolve the error. Or set value
to any number, e.g., value=0
In the example below, I've removed all of the theme
and lab
statements to shorten the code down to the essentials:
p = ggplot(Shannon.long2, aes(x=Rot.Herb, y=value, fill=factor(variable))) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-se, ymax=value+se), size=0.5, width=.25,position=position_dodge(.9)) +
facet_grid(~Rot, scales = "free_x", space="free_x")
ann_text <- data.frame(x = "S4-conv", y = 1.75, lab = "2014", Rot.Herb=NA,
value=NA_real_, variable=NA)
p + geom_text(data = ann_text, aes(label=lab, x, y))
Note that you also need to feed x
and y
values to geom_text
to provide the label location.
Another option would be to just use the same x and y variable names as in your original data frame, since ggplot already knows these names and has scaled the graph based on them. Now the only missing column we need to add is variable
ann_text <- data.frame(Rot.Herb = "S4-conv", value = 1.75, lab = "2014", variable=NA)
p + geom_text(data = ann_text, aes(label=lab, Rot.Herb, value))