I'm working on a graph to show relations between different nodes. The closer related the nodes are (according to business logic), the closer together the nodes should be.
我注意到一些带有 .1
的 linkStrength
I noticed that some links with the linkStrength
of .1
are shorter (that is what I wanted to achieve) and some others with the same strength are longer than the ones with the linkStength
of 1
. From a documentation about the force layout parameters I now found this quote:
默认的linkStrength值为1.0,保持了linkDistance的全部效果.但是,通过将linkStrength 的值设置为小于1,可以放宽距离约束.
这是否意味着如果我将 linkDistance
设置为 150
的链接将比 150 更接近那些带有 linkStrength(.1)
Does that mean that if I was to set linkDistance
to 150
, the links with linkStrength(1.0)
will be closer to 150 than the ones with linkStrength(.1)
? And if yes, do they need to be shorter, longer or doesn't that matter at all? Because I was kind of surprised about the layout.
长话短说:当使用 D3 的强制布局时,没有内置的方法来强制固定长度的链接.力布局本质上是动态的,并且为 force.linkDistance() 设置值和 force.linkStrength() 只是为计算集引入了另一种力在每次迭代中执行,即每次 tick,而力布局正在运行.
To cut a long story short: when using D3's force layout there is no built-in way to enforce a fixed length of the links. The force layout is inherently dynamic and setting values for force.linkDistance() and force.linkStrength() introduces just another force to the set of calculations carried out on each iteration, i.e. each tick, while the force layout is running.
在每个 tick 上计算三个力一个>:
1.链接长度.要计算的第一个力是通过上述方法设置的连杆长度的调整.这是在每个链接的循环中完成的,查看源代码,这基本上归结为 一行代码:
l = alpha * strengths[i] * ((l = Math.sqrt(l)) - distances[i]) / l;
将 l
计算为链接的源节点和目标节点之间的欧几里得距离、所需的链接距离 distances[i]
和链接的 strengths[i]
这一行决定了如何将两个节点拉到一起或将它们分开以近似通过 force.linkDistance()
设置的链接距离.很容易看出,链接强度对合力有线性影响.然而,与 API 文档相反,它定义了强度在区间 [0,1] 内的有效范围,源代码没有对 设置的值施加任何限制force.linkStrength()
With l
calculated to be the Euclidean distance between the link's source node and target node, the desired link distance distances[i]
and the link's strengths[i]
this line determines how to pull both nodes together or push them apart to approximate the link distance set via force.linkDistance()
. It's easy to see, that the link strength has a linear effect on the resulting force. Contrary to the API documentation, though, which defines the valid range for the strength to be in the interval [0,1], the source code does not impose any restrictions on the value set by force.linkStrength()
Because the effects of all the calculated forces are superimposed and will add up to the resulting movement of each node for a given tick, it becomes clear, that the link length is only one part of the entire computation. The other two forces may weaken or even reverse its effect.
这是否意味着如果我将 linkDistance 设置为 150,带有 linkStrength(1.0) 的链接将比带有 linkStrength(.1) 的链接更接近 150?
The outcome depends largely on the setup of the force layout's parameters and the distribution of the nodes, and still no guarantee is made regarding the final lengths of the links.
这篇关于d3.js linkStrength 在力图中对 linkDistance 的影响的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!