I would like to transform data to screen coordinates in javascript using a function. The function has to look like this:
function createTransform(domain, range){
// domain is a two-element array of the domain’s bounds
// range is a two-element array of the range’s bounds
// implement the actual calculation here
var alpha = ...;
var beta = ...;
return function(x){
return alpha * x + beta;
// to use this for instance:
var tranform = createTransform([10, 20], [10, 20]);
console.log(transform(15)); // should log 15
I have been looking at this for hours but still do not understand it.
This is how to take your data values and scale them to fit onto the screen. It uses a mapping function to calculate a desired screen value given a specific data value.
function mapRange(value, dataLow, dataHigh, screenLow, screenHigh) {
return screenLow +
(value - dataLow) * (screenHigh - screenLow) / (dataHigh - dataLow);
At its essence, you must scale the incoming data range to fit inside the any range of screen coordinates that are dedicated to displaying the data.
You are scaling one range into another range. You might think of the scaling factor as a percentage of the data range versus the screen range.
// calculate the scaling factor required to fit the data inside the screen
var scalingFactor = screenRange / dataRange;
All data points fall inside the data range which is calculated like this:
// calculate the min/max range of all data
var dataRange= maximumDataValue – minimumDataValue;
All screen coordinates fall inside the screen range which is calculated like this:
// calculate the min/max range of all screen coordinates
// that are dedicated to displaying the data
var screenRange = maximumScreenCoordinateValue – minimumScreenCoordinateValue;
如果要使用全屏,则 screenRange
If you want to use the full screen then the screenRange
becomes the screen width.
The next step is to calculate the relative position of a specific data-point inside the full data range:
// calculate any one specified data-point's relative position within
// the full data range
var thisDatumPositionInDataRange = thisDataValue – minimumDataValue;
最后,使用 scalingFactor
// calculate the screen coordinate where the specified dataum
// will be displayed
var screenCoordinate = minimumScreenValue + thisDatumPositionInDataRange * scalingFactor;
In words, this calculation means:
• Start at the minimum (==leftmost) screen coordinate.
•在屏幕上向上移动指定数据的相对位置 scalingFactor
• Move righward on the screen by the specified datum’s relative position (in its data range) scaled by the scalingFactor
// supply a data value (value)
// and supply the min & max of the datum and the screen size
// return value mapped to fit onto the screen
function mapRange(value, dataLow, dataHigh, screenLow, screenHigh) {
return screenLow + (screenHigh - screenLow) * (value - dataLow) / (dataHigh - dataLow);
// calculate the max & min of a given array
function calcDataMinMax(a){
var min=1000000;
var max=-1000000;
for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++){
var value=a[i];
// Usage:
// example data
var data=[5,10,-3,20,0,2];
// example screen width
var screenWidthMin=0;
var screenWidthMax=640;
// calc the min and max of values in your data
var dataRange=calcDataMinMax(data);
// map the data value 8 to fit onto the screenWidth
var map8=mapRange(8,dataRange.min,dataRange.max,0,100);