


I want to remove the antialiasing from an image. This code will get the 4 major colors from an image, compare each pixel to the 4 major colors and assign the closest color.

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

image = Image.open('pattern_2.png')
image_nd = np.array(image)
image_colors = {}

for row in image_nd:
    for pxl in row:
        pxl = tuple(pxl)
        if not image_colors.get(pxl):
            image_colors[pxl] = 1
            image_colors[pxl] += 1

sorted_image_colors = sorted(image_colors, key=image_colors.get, reverse=True)
four_major_colors = sorted_image_colors[:4]

def closest(colors, color):
    colors = np.array(colors)
    color = np.array(color)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((colors - color) ** 2, axis=1))
    index_of_smallest = np.where(distances == np.amin(distances))
    smallest_distance = colors[index_of_smallest]
    return smallest_distance[0]

for y, row in enumerate(image_nd):
    for x, pxl in enumerate(row):
        image_nd[y, x] = closest(four_major_colors, image_nd[y, x])

aliased = Image.fromarray(image_nd)



As you can see, the borders between colors aren't perfect.



(it seems the image hosting site compresses the image, and won't show "aliased" image properly)



The main problem here is located in your closest method:

def closest(colors, color):
    colors = np.array(colors)
    color = np.array(color)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((colors - color) ** 2, axis=1))

colors color 都成为 uint8 类型的NumPy数组.现在,当减去 uint8 值时,您将不会得到负值,但是将发生整数下溢,导致值接近 255 .因此,然后计算出的 distances 是错误的,最终导致错误的颜色选择.

Both colors and color become NumPy arrays of type uint8. Now, when subtracting uint8 values, you won't get negative values, but integer underflow will happen, resulting in values near 255. Therefore, the then calculated distances are wrong, which finally leads to the wrong color picking.

因此,最快的解决方法是将两个变量都转换为 int32 :

So, the fastest fix would be to cast both variables to int32:

def closest(colors, color):
    colors = np.array(colors).astype(np.int32)
    color = np.array(color).astype(np.int32)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((colors - color) ** 2, axis=1))


Also, it might be useful to make use of NumPy's vectorization power. Consider the following approach for your closest method:

def closest(colors, image):
    colors = np.array(colors).astype(np.int32)
    image = image.astype(np.int32)
    distances = np.argmin(np.array([np.sqrt(np.sum((color - image) ** 2, axis=2)) for color in colors]), axis=0)
    return colors[distances].astype(np.uint8)


for y in np.arange(image_nd.shape[0]):
    for x in np.arange(image_nd.shape[1]):
        image_nd[y, x] = closest(four_major_colors, image_nd[y, x])


you can simply pass the whole image:

image_nd = closest(four_major_colors, image_nd)


Using the given image, I get a speed-up of 100x on my machine. Surely, finding the RGB histogram values can also be optimized. (Unfortunately, my experience with Python dictionaries isn't yet that great...)


Anyway – hope that helps!


07-16 18:49