

最近,我正在开发一个与Watch/ iPhone通信相关的项目。但是我的代码有时工作并且有时不起作用,这对我来说有点奇怪,因为我认为代码应该工作与否。它不能是50/50。因此,我不知道出了什么问题。

Lately, I am working on a project is related to Watch/iPhone communication again. But my code works sometimes and doesn’t work sometimes which is kind of weird to me because I think the code should either work or not. It cannot be 50/50. Therefore, I have no idea what goes wrong.


class WatchCommunicationController: NSObject, WCSessionDelegate {

    var session : WCSession?

    override init(){

        //  super class init

        //  if WCSession is supported
        if WCSession.isSupported() {    //  it is supported

            //  get default session
            session = WCSession.defaultSession()

            //  set delegate
            session!.delegate = self

            //  activate session

        } else {

            print("iPhone does not support WCSession")

    ... ...


class PhoneCommunicationController: NSObject, WCSessionDelegate {

    var session : WCSession?

    override init(){

        //  super class init

        //  if WCSession is supported
        if WCSession.isSupported() {    //  it is supported

            //  get default session
            session = WCSession.defaultSession()

            //  set delegate
            session!.delegate = self

            //  activate session
        } else {

            print("Watch does not support WCSession")

    ... ...


func sendGesture(手势) :GKGesture){

func sendGesture(gesture : GKGesture){

//  if WCSession is reachable
if session!.reachable {     //  it is reachable

    //  create the interactive message with gesture
    let message : [String : AnyObject]
    message = [

    //  send message
    session!.sendMessage(message, replyHandler: nil, errorHandler: nil)
    print("Watch send gesture \(gesture)")

} else{                     //  it is not reachable

    print("WCSession is not reachable")



enum GKGesture: Int {
    case Push = 0, Left, Right, Up, Down


func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveMessage message: [String : AnyObject]) {

        //retrieve info
        let type = message["Type"] as! String
        let content = message["Content"]

        switch type {

        case "Gesture":
            handleGesture(GKGesture(rawValue: content as! Int)!)
            print("Received message \(message) is invalid with type of \(type)")


    func handleGesture(gesture : GKGesture){

        print("iPhone receives gesture \(gesture)")

        var notificationName = ""

        switch gesture {

        case .Up:
            notificationName = "GestureUp"
        case .Down:
            notificationName = "GestureDown"
        case .Left:
            notificationName = "GestureLeft"
        case .Right:
            notificationName = "GestureRight"
        case .Push:
            notificationName = "GesturePush"

        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(notificationName, object: nil)



somehow I can’t debug my Watch app on Xcode, the debug session just won’t attach. I don’t know why. Therefore, I debug one-sided with just the iPhone.


sometimes I got "receives gesture" print out, and sometimes not. And the same for getting the notification.



I don't know if Int would be wrapped around to NSNumber while being transfer within WCSession. If it would be, then that must be why when I use Int as the base class of the enum it won't work and works when String is the base class.

解决方法:在$之前将NSNumber或NSDate对象转换为字符串b $ b调用WCSession API。在接收

Workaround: Convert an NSNumber or NSDate object to a string before calling WCSession APIs. Do the opposite conversion on the receiving side.

观看OS 2 Beta 4发行说明


07-16 18:47