

我的网站图片对于使用Retina显示屏的用户来说看起来模糊。 (例如,在Retina MacBook Pro上)。

My website images look blurry for users with retina displays. (For example, on the Retina MacBook Pro).


How do I serve high-resolution images to visitors with retina displays, but standard-sized images to everyone else, while keeping the image the same apparent size?


在HTML中,创建一个< div> / code>如此:

In your HTML, create a <div> like so:

<div class="ninjas-image"></div>


And in your CSS, add:

.ninjas-image {
  background-image: url('ninja-devices.png');
  width: 410px;
  height: 450px;

@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi) {
  .ninjas-image {
    background-image: url('ninja-devices@2x.png');
    background-size: 410px 450px;

这里的奇迹是在CSS @media 查询。我们有一个双倍大小的图像(ninja-devices@2x.png),当设备报告1.5(144 dpi)或更高的设备像素比率时,我们将其分入。这样做可以通过向非视网膜设备提供原始的更小的图像来节省带宽,当然在视网膜设备上看起来很不错。

The magic here is in the CSS @media query. We have a double-sized image (ninja-devices@2x.png) that we sub-in when the device reports a ‘device pixel ratio’ of 1.5 (144 dpi) or more. Doing it this way allows you to save on bandwidth by delivering the original, smaller image to non-retina devices, and of course it looks great on retina devices.


此回答在2016年更新,以反映最佳做法。 min-device-pixel-ratio 没有达到标准。相反, min-resolution 被添加到标准,但桌面和移动Safari不支持它在写作时,(因此 webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio fallback)。您可以访问以下网址查看最新信息:。

This answer was updated in 2016 to reflect best-practice. min-device-pixel-ratio did not make it in to the standard. Instead, min-resolution was added to the standard, but desktop and mobile Safari don't support it at the time of writing, (thus the -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio fallback). You can check the latest information at: http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-media-resolution.


07-16 18:40