


Traditional assembler, and higher level compilers work with several memory segments, according to intended use. Hence, there is a data segment, a stack segment, a bss, and text segment. The text segment is also called the code segment.



I have asked all the old-timers I could find, how something as unreadable as machine code came to be know as the "text segment". Every one of them agreed that, that was really what it was called, but none of them seemed to be surprised by it. And no one could offer an explanation.


Here's your chance to show off your geek history knowledge by enlightening us.



Going a little further with nos's comments, I turned up a scanned version of the GE-635 Programming Manual, and found the following in the section on the macro assembler:

因此,二进制文本的使用似乎是通用语言,或者是当时的常用术语(请记住,那是读卡器/打孔机被用于许多IO的日子。 )。因此,一种可能的途径是GE,通过GE-645到达Multics,通过Bell Labs在Multics上的工作到达Unix,再到Linux。

So, it appears that the use of "binary text" was a GE colloquialism, or perhaps a commonly used term at the time (remember that those were the days when card readers/punches were used for much IO). So, one possible path is GE, to Multics via GE-645, to Unix via Bell Labs' work on Multics, to Linux.


07-16 18:15