

我正在使用股票 UISplitViewController ,开箱即用的 Master 详细信息查看控制器。在故事板中,我在 Detail 控制器集中添加了 UIImageView ,以便用单个图像有效地填充视图。

I'm using a stock UISplitViewController with out-of-the-box Master and Detail view controllers. In a storyboard, I've added a UIImageView to the Detail controller set to effectively fill the view with a single image.

Master 控制器中,我使用以下内容模糊了该控制器的背景:

In the Master controller, I've used the following to blur the background of that controller:

// In viewDidLoad

self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
    UIBlurEffect *blurEffect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleDark];
    UIVisualEffectView *visualEffectView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc]
    self.tableView.backgroundView = visualEffectView;
    self.tableView.separatorEffect = [UIVibrancyEffect effectForBlurEffect:blurEffect];

Master 控制器出现在详细信息控制器,请注意 Master 控制器边缘内边缘周围是否有阴影。

When the Master controller appears above the Detail controller, note how the edges of the Master controller have a dark shadow around the inner edges.


How can these "shadows" be removed to instead render a uniform blur?

在IB中调试视图层次结构a(私有?)视图名为 _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView 。它有一个嵌入的灰色框架,它肯定是造成非均匀模糊外观的原因。

Debugging the view hierarchy in IB reveals a (private?) view called _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView. It has an inset grey frame, and it's definitely what's responsible for the non-uniform blur appearance.

完全禁用模糊视图,只需离开 self.tableview.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor] 显示 _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView 的灰框。看起来像这样:

Disabling the blur view altogether and just leaving self.tableview.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor] shows _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView's grey frame. It looks like this:

在使用 UISplitViewController 时,有关如何避免 _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView 的任何想法?

Any thoughts on how to avoid _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView when using UISplitViewController?



The problem is that it is a private class that you can't test against.

幸运的是 _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView 是公共 UIPopoverBackgroundView 的子类(因为在常规中) popover实现流程客户端可以通过提供一个子类 UIPopoverBackgroundView 来定制popover背景chrome。

Fortunately _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView is the subclass of UIPopoverBackgroundView that is public (because in regular popover implementation flow client may customize the popover background chrome by providing a class which subclasses UIPopoverBackgroundView).

for (UIView *subview in self.viewController.view.superview.superview.subviews) {
    if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIPopoverBackgroundView class]]) {
        subview.alpha = 0.0;

这应隐藏 _UIPopoverSlidingChromeView


07-16 18:00