根据C ++ 0x最终草案,没有办法请求线程终止。也就是说,如果需要,我们需要实现一个自己动手的解决方案。
According to the C++0x final draft, there's no way to request a thread to terminate. That said, if required we need to implement a do-it-yourself solution.
另一方面,boost :: thread提供了一个机制, em>安全方式。
On the other hand boost::thread provides a mechanism to interrupt a thread in a safe manner.
In your opinion, what's the best solution? Designing your own cooperative 'interruption mechanism' or going native?
boost :: thread :: interrupt
All the language specification says that the support isn't built into the language.boost::thread::interrupt
needs some support from the thread function, too:
When the interrupted thread next executes one of the specified interruption points (or if it is currently blocked whilst executing one)
i.e. when the thread function doesn't give the caller a chance to interrupt, you are still stuck.
我不知道你是什么意思与去本地 - 没有本机支持,除非你spellbound到 boost:threads
I'm not sure what you mean with "going native" - there is no native support, unless you are spellbound to boost:threads
仍然,我会使用显式机制。你必须考虑有足够的中断点,为什么不让他们明确?额外的代码在我的经验中通常是边缘的,虽然你可能需要改变从单对象到多对象的一些等待,这取决于你的库 - 可能看起来更丑陋。
Still, I'd use an explicit mechanism. You have to think about having enough interruption points anyway, why not make them explicit? The extra code is usually marginal in my experience, though you may need to change some waits from single-object to multiple-objects, which - depending on your library - may look uglier.
One could also pull the "don't use exceptions for control flow", but compared to messing around with threads, this is just a guideline.
这篇关于C ++ 0x线程中断的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!