

我正在为 NSMenuItem 创建自定义视图。为了在选择时绘制背景,我修改了来自示例。 CustomMenus示例具有:

  [[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor] set]; 

..我使用selectedMenuItemColor,因为alternateSelectedControlColor是一个纯色, good:

  [[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set]; 

使用selectedMenuItemColor更好,但它仍然不完全相同 NSMenuItem

这是一个屏幕截图,显示真实选择的 NSMenuItem 左侧和selectedMenuItemColor在右侧的蓝色外观:

您可以看到在真实选择的 NSMenuItem 背景上添加半透明白色渐变叠加。

如何复制真实选择的 NSMenuItem background?

编辑:适用于Mac OS 10.9.5。



通过试验和错误我想出了一个背景几乎不可区分的背景, code> NSMenuItem 背景中的蓝色和石墨外观:

  [NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set]; 

if(dirtyRect.size.height> 1){
const NSControlTint currentControlTint = [NSColor currentControlTint] ;

const CGFloat startingOpacity =(NSBlueControlTint == currentControlTint?(CGFloat)0.16:(CGFloat)0.09);
NSGradient * grad = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[NSColor colorWithWhite :( CGFloat)1.0 alpha:startingOpacity] endingColor:[NSColor colorWithWhite:(CGFloat)1.0 alpha:(CGFloat)0.0]];

const CGFloat heightMinus1 =(CGFloat)(dirtyRect.size.height - ;
[grad drawFromPoint:NSMakePoint(dirtyRect.origin.x,dirtyRect.origin.y + heightMinus1)toPoint:NSMakePoint(dirtyRect.origin.x,dirtyRect.origin.y + 1)options:0u];

if(NSBlueControlTint == currentControlTint){
[[NSColor colorWithWhite:(CGFloat)1.0 alpha:(CGFloat)0.1] set];
NSRectFillUsingOperation(NSMakeRect(dirtyRect.origin.x,dirtyRect.origin.y + heightMinus1,dirtyRect.size.width,(CGFloat)1.0),NSCompositeSourceOver);

这里是并排比较: p>

两个图像的左半部分(80px)显示真实选择的 NSMenuItem 背景,两个图像的右半部分是代码的结果。

I am creating a custom view for an NSMenuItem. In order to draw the background when selected, I adapted a couple of lines from the CustomMenus sample. The CustomMenus sample has:

    [[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor] set];
    NSRectFillUsingOperation(dirtyRect, NSCompositeSourceOver);

.. and I am using the selectedMenuItemColor because the alternateSelectedControlColor was a solid color and it did not look very good:

    [[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set];
    NSRectFillUsingOperation(dirtyRect, NSCompositeSourceOver);

Using selectedMenuItemColor is better, but it's still not exactly the same as a real selected NSMenuItem.

Here is a screenshot showing the real selected NSMenuItem background on the left and the selectedMenuItemColor on the right in the "Blue" appearance:

You can see that there is an additional translucent white gradient overlay on the real selected NSMenuItem background.

How do I replicate the real selected NSMenuItem background?

EDIT: This is for Mac OS 10.9.5.

EDIT2: Here is a side-by-side comparison in the "Graphite" appearance:


Through trial and error I came up with the following code that draws a background almost indistinguishable from the real selected NSMenuItem background in both "Blue" and "Graphite" appearances:

    [[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set];
    NSRectFillUsingOperation(dirtyRect, NSCompositeSourceOver);

    if (dirtyRect.size.height > 1) {
        const NSControlTint currentControlTint = [NSColor currentControlTint];

        const CGFloat startingOpacity = (NSBlueControlTint == currentControlTint ? (CGFloat)0.16 : (CGFloat)0.09);
        NSGradient *grad = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[NSColor colorWithWhite:(CGFloat)1.0 alpha:startingOpacity] endingColor:[NSColor colorWithWhite:(CGFloat)1.0 alpha:(CGFloat)0.0]];

        const CGFloat heightMinus1 = (CGFloat)(dirtyRect.size.height - 1);
        [grad drawFromPoint:NSMakePoint(dirtyRect.origin.x, dirtyRect.origin.y + heightMinus1) toPoint:NSMakePoint(dirtyRect.origin.x, dirtyRect.origin.y + 1) options:0u];

        if (NSBlueControlTint == currentControlTint) {
            [[NSColor colorWithWhite:(CGFloat)1.0 alpha:(CGFloat)0.1] set];
            NSRectFillUsingOperation(NSMakeRect(dirtyRect.origin.x, dirtyRect.origin.y + heightMinus1, dirtyRect.size.width, (CGFloat)1.0), NSCompositeSourceOver);

Here are side-by-side comparisons:

The left halves (80px) of the two images show the real selected NSMenuItem background and the right halves of the two images are the result of the code.


07-16 17:38