


  CS = ???? SP = 0300 AX = a66a IP = 01cf
DS = 4100 = BP BX 0003 = 1234
SS = 48ee SI = 0100 CX = 00FF
ES = 4cee迪= 1000 DX = 0000

  1. 要执行的下一个指令的绝对地址是40f0f。

    40d40 / 10 = 40d4 = CS

  2. 是字节数据段总是等于堆栈段减去数据段* 10的尺寸是多少? 48ee - 4100 = 7ee0。同样,在总是等于数据段减去code段* 10字节code段? 48ee - 40d4 = 81a0

  3. 有关 MOV CX,[BX + SI] ,源操作数的绝对地址为42334。

      BX = 1234
    SI = 0100
         1334DS = 4100 * 10 = 41000 + 1334 = 42334

  4. 有关 MOV CX,[二 - 4]。,源操作数的绝对地址是41ffc

     迪= 1000
          - 4
         0FFCDS = 4100 * 10 = 41000 + 0ffc = 41ffc

  5. 有关 MOV CX,[BP + SI - 3]。,源操作数的绝对地址是48fe0

      BP = 0003
    SI = 0100
           - 3
         0100SS = 48ee * 10 = 48ee0 + 0100 = 48fe0



有关涉及地址计算 BP SP 或者像弹出段寄存器是隐含 SS ,其他地址 DS 。例外:如果你使用一个字符串指令,目标段寄存器是隐含 ES

a review problem lists these registers in hex:

cs = ????  sp = 0300  ax = a66a  ip = 01cf
ds = 4100  bp = 0003  bx = 1234
ss = 48ee  si = 0100  cx = 00ff
es = 4cee  di = 1000  dx = 0000
  1. The absolute address of the next instruction to be executed is 40f0f.

    40d40 / 10 = 40d4 = cs

  2. Is the size of the data segment in bytes always equal to the stack segment minus the data segment * 10? 48ee - 4100 = 7ee0. Likewise, is the code segment in bytes always equal to the data segment minus the code segment * 10? 48ee - 40d4 = 81a0.

  3. For mov cx,[bx + si], the absolute address of the source operand is 42334.

    bx = 1234
    si = 0100
    ds = 4100 * 10 = 41000 + 1334 = 42334

  4. For mov cx,[di - 4], the absolute address of the source operand is 41ffc.

    di = 1000
         -  4
    ds = 4100 * 10 = 41000 + 0ffc = 41ffc

  5. For mov cx,[bp + si - 3], the absolute address of the source operand is 48fe0.

    bp = 0003
    si = 0100
          - 3
    ss = 48ee * 10 = 48ee0 + 0100 = 48fe0

Am I going about solving these the right way? How do I know when to use the stack segment for these calculations and when to use the data segment?


For address calculations involving bp or sp or stack operations like push or pop the segment register is implicitly ss, for other addresses ds. Exception: If you use a string instruction, the destination segment register is implicitly es.


07-16 17:36