

我需要创建一个函数,该函数在C#或C ++中以毫秒为单位测量时间.我如何使用Visual Studio 2008做到这一点?

I need to create a function that measures time in microseconds in C# or C++. How can I do that using Visual Studio 2008?



You might try the following, but remember that the closest you''d get to would be something like 15 to 20 milliseconds (+/- a few milliseconds, depending on your hardware):

  • QueryPerformanceCounter():此函数将返回非常精确的时间计数,但是由于Windows不是实时操作系统,因此有时该计数没有意义.请注意,在某些情况下,计数甚至可能会倒退!
  • 多媒体计时器功能:我从没使用过这些功能,只听说过它们.我知道它们的工作方式比QueryPerformanceCounter()可靠一些,但是它们也有局限性.
  • QueryPerformanceCounter(): This function will return a time count that''s very precise, but because Windows isn''t a real-time operating system, sometimes the counts won''t make sense. I understand that the count can even seem to go backwards in some situations!
  • Multimedia Timer functions: I''ve never used these, only heard about them. I understand that they work somewhat more reliably than QueryPerformanceCounter(), but they too have limitations.


C#或C ++.如何使用Visual Studio 2008做到这一点?

C# or C++. How can I do that using Visual Studio 2008?

Visual Studio的版本(或任何其他IDE)或尝试使用此语言的编程语言均无关紧要.



The version of visual studio (or any other IDE), or the programming language that you may use to attempt this is irrelevant.

I say it because Windows can''t even give you the precision of milliseconds. Microseconds is a thousand times the precision of milliseconds, so you need to give up trying this on Windows.

Choose an RTOS instead.


07-16 17:21