i hope someone can help me out here i have been struggling with this for a few days now.
我正在通过 AS3 UDP 数据报套接字以二进制十六进制表示形式(我认为是 RAW UDP 数据)接收 UDP 数据包.
i am receiving a UDP packet via AS3 UDP datagram socket in the format of a binary hex representation (which i believe to be RAW UDP data).
当我以 ByteArray 格式接收 as3 UDP 数据包时,我需要将其转换回原始的十六进制格式.
when i receive the UDP packet in as3 its in the ByteArray format which i need to convert back to the original Hexadecimal formatting.
22 5C 88 06
5E 00 00 00
7C 11 FB 44
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
02 02 01 05
91 EE FE F4
04 00 00 00
00 00 01 00
11 00 00 00
这是我在 flash 中的输出(它不需要相同的间距和换行符只是相同的结构,从看起来它看起来像是去除了零?我不知道为什么要这样做):
this is my output in flash (it doesn't need the same spacing and line breaks just the same structure, from looking at it looks like its removing the zeros? i have no idea why its doing this):
十六进制= efbeaddea05b9515e0007d11fb440000000000000000221595ee76f54000001011000
hex= efbeaddea05b9515e0007d11fb440000000000000000221595ee76f54000001011000
这是我的 as3 函数:
here is my as3 function:
public function hex(data:ByteArray){
var hex:String = "";
data.position = 0;
var len:uint = data.length;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < len; ++i){
var byte:uint = data.readUnsignedByte();
hex += byte.toString(16).substr(-2);
trace("hex= "+hex);
看来我找到了解决方案!因为我做了一些挖掘,并从 hurrant 实用程序类 Hex 中发现了这个函数.因为这似乎在起作用!将在进一步调查后报告..
it looks like i have found a solution! as i did bit of digging and came across this function from the hurlant utilities class Hex.as this seems to be doing the trick! will report back after further investigation..
all i needed to change above was this, after importing the class:
trace("hex= "+Hex.fromArray(event.data);
public static function fromArray(array:ByteArray, colons:Boolean=false):String {
var s:String = "";
for (var i:uint=0;i<array.length;i++) {
if (colons) {
if (i<array.length-1) s+=":";
return s;
original UDP packet (with all the padding removed):
as3 从 byteArray 转换为十六进制后收到 UDP 数据包:
as3 received UDP packet after conversion from byteArray to Hexadecimal:
(these are not the exact same packets captured at the exact time, so they will look bit different).
这篇关于as3 ByteArray to Hex(二进制十六进制表示)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!