

我的java code的一个片段:
收益率(INT)(种子>>>(48 - 位));

I have a snippet of java code:return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));


As you can see it uses the unsigned right shift operator (>>>). I'm trying to implement this code in ruby which has no unsigned right shift operator, only a signed right shift operator. As I'm not very familiar with the >>> operator I'm not quite sure on how I'd impelemnt this in ruby. I tried doing a few searches to see if anyone had come across this problem before, but couldn't find anything relevent. Any help would be much appreciated :)



If you want to implement an unsigned shift operator we can do this with a bit of work: No idea if there's any simpler solution I just thought of that myself:

public static int unsignedShift(int amt, int val) {
    int lastBit = val & (1 << 31);  // get last bit
    val = val & 0x7fffffff; // clear last bit, ~(1 << 31) could be more efficient
    val >>= amt;   // now we can safely shift signed.
    if (lastBit != 0) {
        val |= 1 << (32 - amt - 1); // set last bit again.
    return val;

会好得多,如果是这样!lastBit会工作 - 那么,如果我们就不需要在

Would be much nicer if something like !!lastBit would work - then we wouldn't need the if.

没有关于Ruby的想法,所以你必须端口上面code你自己 - 应该足够简单

No idea about Ruby so you'll have to port the above code yourself - should be simple enough.

编辑:只是想到了一个更简单的方法来做到这一点:(不为0和32正常工作将由JLS的定义 - 也许可以解决的,但最常见如果出现这种情况,无论如何一个bug)

Just thought of a much easier way to do this: (does not work correctly for 0 and 32 which would be defined by the JLS - probably fixable but most often a bug if that happens anyhow)

public static int unsignedShift2(int amt, int val) {
    int mask = (1 << (32 - amt)) - 1;
    return (val >> amt) & mask;


The mask works by setting all bits to 1 that should be retained after the shift (to be exact shift a 1 to the first bit that should be 0 afterwards and then decrease by 1).


07-16 16:52