本文介绍了equal,eql ?, ===和==之间有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想了解这四种方法的区别。我默认知道 == 调用方法 equal?,当两个操作数指向完全相同的对象时返回true 。

=== 默认情况下还调用 == 等于? ...好吧,所以如果所有这三个方法都没有重写,那么我猜测
=== , == 和等于?做同样的事吗?

现在 eql?。这是什么(默认)?它是否调用操作数的hash / id?





  class Object 
def all_equals(o)
ops = [:==,:===,:eql ?,:equal?]
Hash [ops.map(&:to_s).zip(ops.map {| s | send(s,o)})]

a.all_equalsa#=> {===> true,====> true,eql?=> true,equal?=> false}
/ pre>

== - genericequality h2>



/ code> - case equality

这是非常有用的。具有有趣的 === 实施的事情示例:

  • 范围

  • Regex

  • Proc(在Ruby 1.9中)


  case some_object 
when / a regex /
#regex matches
当lambda {| x | some_crazy_custom_predicate}

请参阅一个整洁的例子如何 case + Regex 可以使代码更清晰。当然,通过提供自己的 === 实现,你可以得到自定义的 case 语义。

eql? - Hash 相等

因此您可以根据自己的需要,或者您可以覆盖 == 并使用别名:eql?

等于? -



I am trying to understand the difference between these four methods. I know by default that == calls the method equal? which returns true when both operands refer to exactly the same object.

=== by default also calls == which calls equal?... okay, so if all these three methods are not overridden, then I guess===, == and equal? do exactly the same thing?

Now comes eql?. What does this do (by default)? Does it make a call to the operand's hash/id?

Why does Ruby have so many equality signs? Are they supposed to differ in semantics?


I'm going to heavily quote the Object documentation here, because I think it has some great explanations. I encourage you to read it, and also the documentation for these methods as they're overridden in other classes, like String.

Side note: if you want to try these out for yourself on different objects, use something like this:

class Object
  def all_equals(o)
    ops = [:==, :===, :eql?, :equal?]
    Hash[ops.map(&:to_s).zip(ops.map {|s| send(s, o) })]

"a".all_equals "a" # => {"=="=>true, "==="=>true, "eql?"=>true, "equal?"=>false}

== — generic "equality"

This is the most common comparison, and thus the most fundamental place where you (as the author of a class) get to decide if two objects are "equal" or not.

=== — case equality

This is incredibly useful. Examples of things which have interesting === implementations:

  • Range
  • Regex
  • Proc (in Ruby 1.9)

So you can do things like:

case some_object
when /a regex/
  # The regex matches
when 2..4
  # some_object is in the range 2..4
when lambda {|x| some_crazy_custom_predicate }
  # the lambda returned true

See my answer here for a neat example of how case+Regex can make code a lot cleaner. And of course, by providing your own === implementation, you can get custom case semantics.

eql? — Hash equality

So you're free to override this for your own uses, or you can override == and use alias :eql? :== so the two methods behave the same way.

equal? — identity comparison

This is effectively pointer comparison.

这篇关于equal,eql ?, ===和==之间有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 15:59