






#包括LT&;&string.h中GT;#定义PRODUCT_NAME_LEN 128typedef结构product_data
    INT product_ code;
    INT product_cost;
    结构product_data_t *接下来的;
} product_data_t;typedef结构列表
    product_data_t *头;
    product_data_t *尾;
} list_t;无效添加(list_t *名单,诠释code,CHAR名称[],诠释成本);
void初始化(list_t *清单);
无效CLEAN_UP(list_t *清单);INT主要(无效)
    list_t *名单= NULL;    初始化(清单);
    CLEAN_UP(名单);    的getchar();    返回0;
}无效添加(list_t *名单,诠释code,CHAR名称[],诠释成本)
    }    如果(名单)
        列表 - >流浆> product_ code = code;
        列表 - >流浆> product_cost =成本;
        函数strncpy(列表 - >流浆> PRODUCT_NAME,名称的sizeof(列表 - >流浆> PRODUCT_NAME));
        列表 - >流浆> PRODUCT_NAME [127] ='/ 0';
void初始化(list_t *名单)
    名单= NULL;
    名单= NULL;
无效CLEAN_UP(list_t *名单)
    list_t * TEMP = NULL;    而(名单)
        TEMP =列表 - >头;
        列表 - >头=列表 - >流浆>接下来,
    名单= NULL;
    名单= NULL;
    TEMP = NULL;

==============================编辑================ ============

#包括LT&;&string.h中GT;#定义PRODUCT_NAME_LEN 64// typedef结构product_data product_data_t;
    INT product_ code;
    INT product_cost;
} product_data_t;typedef结构列表
    结构列表* CURRENT_NODE;
    product_data_t *数据;} list_t;无效添加(list_t *名单,诠释code,CHAR名称[],诠释成本);INT主要(无效)
    list_t *名单= NULL;
    添加(列表中,1001,戴尔Inspiron 2.66,1299);    添加(列表中,1002,MacBook Pro的2.66,1499);    CLEAN_UP(名单);    的getchar();    返回0;
}无效添加(list_t *名单,诠释code,CHAR名称[],诠释成本)
    / *分配内存为新产品* /
    product_data_t *产品=(product_data_t *)释放calloc(1,sizeof的(*产品));
    }    / *这是在该列表中的第一项* /
    产品展示> product_ code = code;
    产品展示> product_cost =成本;
    函数strncpy(产品 - > PRODUCT_NAME,名称的sizeof(产品 - > PRODUCT_NAME));
    产品展示> PRODUCT_NAME [PRODUCT_NAME_LEN - 1] ='\\ 0';    如果(列表 - >!头)
        / *分配产品的地址。 * /
        名单=(list_t *)的产品;
        / *头尾设置为这个产品* /
        列表 - >头=(list_t *)的产品;
        列表 - >尾=(list_t *)的产品;
        / *追加到列表的尾部。 * /
        列表 - > tail->接下来=(list_t *)的产品;
        列表 - >尾=(list_t *)的产品;
    }    / *产物的地址分配给列表中的数据。 * /
    列表 - >数据=(list_t *)的产品;



   结构listnode *接下来的;
} listnodeT;listnodeT *名单;
listnodeT * CURRENT_NODE;
名单=(listnodeT *)malloc的(的sizeof(listnodeT));


void初始化(list_t *名单)
    列表 - >头= NULL;
    列表 - >尾= NULL;
}无效添加(list_t *名单,诠释code,CHAR名称[],诠释成本)
    product_data_t *节点=(product_data_t *)malloc的(的sizeof(product_data_t));
    与于节点GT; code = code;
    函数strncpy(与于节点GT; PRODUCT_NAME,名称的sizeof(与于节点GT; PRODUCT_NAME));
    于节点>接着= NULL;    如果(列表 - >头== NULL){//如果这是第一个节点,总得点的头吧
        列表 - >头=节点;
        列表 - >尾=节点; //为第一个节点,头部和尾部指向同一节点
        tail->接下来=节点; //添加节点
        尾=节点; //在终点的尾巴


product_data_t *寻求(list_t *名单,诠释code){
   product_data_t * ITER =列表 - >头;
   而(ITER!= NULL)
       如果(iter-> code == code)
       ITER = iter->接下来,
   返回NULL; //用code元素不存在



I am creating a linked list as in the previous question I asked. I have found that the best way to develop the linked list is to have the head and tail in another structure. My products struct will be nested inside this structure. And I should be passing the list to the function for adding and deleting. I find this concept confusing.

I have implemented the initialize, add, and clean_up. However, I am not sure that I have done that correctly.

When I add a product to the list I declare some memory using calloc. But I am thinking shouldn't I be declaring the memory for the product instead. I am really confused about this adding.

Many thanks for any suggestions,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PRODUCT_NAME_LEN 128

typedef struct product_data
    int product_code;
    char product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN];
    int product_cost;
    struct product_data_t *next;

typedef struct list
    product_data_t *head;
    product_data_t *tail;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost);
void initialize(list_t *list);
void clean_up(list_t *list);

int main(void)
    list_t *list = NULL;

    add(list, 10, "Dell Inspiron", 1500);


    return 0;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    // Allocate memory for the new product
    list = calloc(1, sizeof(list_t));
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocated memory");

        // First item to add to the list
        list->head->product_code = code;
        list->head->product_cost = cost;
        strncpy(list->head->product_name, name, sizeof(list->head->product_name));
        // Terminate the string
        list->head->product_name[127] = '/0';

// Initialize linked list
void initialize(list_t *list)
    // Set list node to null
    list = NULL;
    list = NULL;

// Release all resources
void clean_up(list_t *list)
    list_t *temp = NULL;

        temp = list->head;
        list->head = list->head->next;
    list = NULL;
    list = NULL;
    temp = NULL;

============================== Edited ============================

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


// typedef struct product_data product_data_t;
typedef struct product_data
    int product_code;
    char product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN];
    int product_cost;

typedef struct list
    struct list *head;
    struct list *tail;
    struct list *next;
    struct list *current_node;
    product_data_t *data;


void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost);

int main(void)
    list_t *list = NULL;
    list = initialize(list);
    add(list, 1001, "Dell Inspiron 2.66", 1299);

    add(list, 1002, "Macbook Pro 2.66", 1499);



    return 0;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    /* Allocate memory for the new product */
    product_data_t *product = (product_data_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*product));
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory.");

    /* This is the first item in the list */
    product->product_code = code;
    product->product_cost = cost;
    strncpy(product->product_name, name, sizeof(product->product_name));
    product->product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';

        /* Assign the address of the product. */
        list = (list_t*) product;
        /* Set the head and tail to this product */
        list->head = (list_t*) product;
        list->tail = (list_t*) product;
        /* Append to the tail of the list. */
        list->tail->next = (list_t*) product;
        list->tail = (list_t*) product;

    /* Assign the address of the product to the data on the list. */
    list->data = (list_t*) product;

In your case the head and tail could simply point to the beginning and end of a linked-list. With a singly linked-list, only the head is really needed. At it's most basic, a linked-list can be made by using just a struct like:

typedef struct listnode
   //some data
   struct listnode *next;

listnodeT *list;
listnodeT *current_node;
list = (listnodeT*)malloc(sizeof(listnodeT));
current_node = list;

and as long as list is always pointing to the beginning of the list and the last item has next set to NULL, you're fine and can use current_node to traverse the list. But sometimes to make traversing the list easier and to store any other data about the list, a head and tail token are used, and wrapped into their own structure, like you have done. So then your add and initialize functions would be something like (minus error detection)

    // Initialize linked list
void initialize(list_t *list)
    list->head = NULL;
    list->tail = NULL;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    // set up the new node
    product_data_t *node = (product_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(product_data_t));
    node->code = code;
    node->cost = cost;
    strncpy(node->product_name, name, sizeof(node->product_name));
    node->next = NULL;

    if(list->head == NULL){ // if this is the first node, gotta point head to it
        list->head = node;
        list->tail = node;  // for the first node, head and tail point to the same node
        tail->next = node;  // append the node
        tail = node;        // point the tail at the end

In this case, since it's a singly linked-list, the tail is only really useful for appending items to the list. To insert an item, you'll have to traverse the list starting at the head. Where the tail really comes in handy is with a doubly-linked list, it allows you to traverse the list starting at either end. You can traverse this list like

// return a pointer to element with product code
product_data_t*  seek(list_t *list, int code){
   product_data_t* iter = list->head;
   while(iter != NULL)
       if(iter->code == code)
           return iter;
       iter = iter->next;
   return NULL; // element with code doesn't exist

Often times, the head and tail are fully constructed nodes themselves used as a sentinel to denote the beginning and end of a list. They don't store data themselves (well rather, their data represent a sentinel token), they are just place holders for the front and back. This can make it easier to code some algorithms dealing with linked lists at the expense of having to have two extra elements. Overall, linked lists are flexible data structures with several ways to implement them.

oh yeah, and nik is right, playing with linked-lists are a great way to get good with pointers and indirection. And they are also a great way to practice recursion too! After you have gotten good with linked-list, try building a tree next and use recursion to walk the tree.


07-16 15:40