#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class T>class LinkedList
public: T* current;
public: LinkedList* next = NULL;
public: LinkedList* prev = NULL;
private: long long CountFirst()
if (prev == NULL)
return 0;
long long answer = (prev == NULL)?0:prev->prev->CountFirst();
return answer;
public: long long Count()
if (next == NULL)
return 0;
long long answer = CountFirst();
answer += (current == NULL)?0:1;
answer += (next == NULL)?0:next->Count();
return answer;
public: T* Find()
public: T& operator[](int index)
if (next == NULL and current != NULL)
return *current;
if (prev->Count() - 1 > index)
return *prev[index].current;
if (prev->Count() == index)
return *current;
return *next[index - prev->Count()].current;
public: void Add(T ForAdd, int pos)
cout << "ADD";
((*this)[pos - 1]) = (*this)[pos];
cout << "ADD";
((*this)[pos]) = (*this)[pos - 1];
cout << "ADD";
((*this)[pos]) = (*this)[pos + 1];
cout << "ADD";
((*this)[pos + 1]) = (*this)[pos];
cout << "ADD";
((*this)[pos]) = &ForAdd;//crash
cout << "ADD";
public: void Delete(int pos)
(*this)[pos - 1] = (*this)[pos + 1];
(*this)[pos + 1] = (*this)[pos - 1];
it crashes on function Add
public: void Add(T ForAdd, int pos)
((*this)[pos]) = &ForAdd;//crash
- 成员next和prev无处分配,所以你的列表只包含一个元素
- 缺少构造函数所以所有成员都没有初始化
- 你不要在列表和列表的节点之间进行区分,并且正在尝试使用相同的类来支持
- CountFirst函数是递归定义的(绝对没有用)更长的列表)并且因为它将代表访问prev-> prev->这太过分了。你忘了添加1,因此如果没有先崩溃,CountFist将总是返回0。
You are taking the address of the parameter ForAdd, which is transferred by value and hence just a temporary variable that will go out of scope as soon as you return from the function. And you are assing this address to the current pointer of you linked list.
Besides that I see many other strange things.
- the members next and prev are nowhere assigned to, so your list will only contain a single element
- the constructor is missing so all the members are not initialized
- you don't distiguish between the list and a node of the list and are trying to use the same class for both
- the CountFirst function is defined recursively (an absolute no go for longer lists) and as it stands will access prev->prev-> which is one step too much. You forgot to add 1 and hence CountFist will always return 0 if doesn't crash first.
I could continue for a while here. Why don't you take a look at the implementation of other linked lists and learn from them. That will make your life a lot easier and your learning progress will be a lot faster.
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