本文介绍了Swift 运算符“*"在两个 Int 上抛出错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



scrollView.contentSize.height = 325 * globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards")


WTF 斯威夫特!为什么不?我一直乘着 Ints.这些两个Ints.globals.defaults 只是 UserDefaults.standard 的一个实例.我每次都尝试了以下相同的错误.

325 * Int(globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards")//NOPEInt(325) * Int(globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards"))//NOPEif let h = globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards"){325 * h//NOPE,和'条件绑定的初始化器必须具有可选类型,而不是Int'}让 h = globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards") as!整数325 * h//NOPE,和'强制转换相同类型的 Int 没有影响'325 * 2//是的!但是没有狗屎...



该错误具有误导性.问题实际上是试图将 Int 值分配给 CGFloat 变量.


scrollView.contentSize.height = CGFloat(325 * globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards"))

误导性错误的原因(感谢 Daniel Hall 在下面的评论中)是由于编译器选择了返回 CGFloat* 函数,因为返回需要的价值.这个相同的函数需要两个 CGFloat 参数.由于提供的两个参数是 Int 而不是 CGFloat,编译器提供了误导性错误:




I have a very odd error here and i've searched all around and i have tried all the suggestions. None work.

scrollView.contentSize.height = 325 * globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards")

WTF Swift! Why not? I multiply Ints all the time. These ARE two Ints. globals.defaults is just an instance of UserDefaults.standard. I have tried the following with the same error each time.

325 * Int(globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards")   //NOPE

Int(325) * Int(globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards"))  //NOPE

if let h = globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards"){
    325 * h  //NOPE, and 'Initializer for conditional binding must have optional type, not Int'

let h = globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards") as! Int
325 * h //NOPE, and 'Forced cast of Int of same type as no affect'

325 * 2 //YES!  But no shit...

All of those "attempts" seemed like a waste of time as i know for a fact both of these are Ints...and i was correct. Please advise. Thanks!


The error is misleading. The problem is actually the attempt to assign an Int value to a CGFloat variable.

This will work:

scrollView.contentSize.height = CGFloat(325 * globals.defaults.integer(forKey: "numCards"))

The cause of the misleading error (thanks to Daniel Hall in the comments below) is due to the compiler choosing the * function that returns a CGFloat due to the return value needed. This same function expects two CGFloat parameters. Since the two arguments being provided are Int instead of CGFloat, the compiler provides the misleading error:

It would be nice if the error was more like:

这篇关于Swift 运算符“*"在两个 Int 上抛出错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 15:39