我目前正在做一个项目,我需要读出DHT11 湿度和温度传感器.MCU 和串行设备之间的通信非常低级,但我设法将测量值(湿度+温度)作为长度为 4 的字节数组(第 5 个字节是校验和)接收:
I am currently working on a project where I need to read out a DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor. The communication between the MCU and the serial device is quite low-level, but I managed to receive the measured values (humidity+temperature) as a byte array of length 4 (the 5th byte is the checksum):
我从 DHT11 传感器收到的值:
Values that I receive from the DHT11 sensor:
- byte[0] = humidity integer part
- byte[1] = humidity decimal part
- byte[2] = temperature integer part
- byte[3] = temperature decimal part
- byte[4] = checksum of the first four bytes
我现在想将 byte[0]
和 byte[1]
转换为浮点数,并且对于温度(字节[2] 和字节 [3]).在 C/C++ 中的 Arduino Mega 2560 上完成此任务的有效方法是什么?
I now would like to convert byte[0]
and byte[1]
to a float and the same for the temperature (byte[2] and byte[3]). What is an efficient way to accomplish this on an Arduino Mega 2560 in C/C++ ?
byte[0] = 20 and byte[1] = 12 => 20.12 [float]
Unfortunately, both examples provided in the linked data sheet send zero for the decimal part. However, it appears from the description that the data from the upper byte can be added to the data from the lower byte divided by 256 (the number of states in the decimal portion of data):
const float scale = 256.0;
float humidity = byte[0] + (byte[1] / scale);
float temperature = byte[2] + (byte[3] / scale);