我有一个带有用户名和密码的SQL表。密码使用MessageDigest的digest()方法进行编码。如果我编码密码 - 让我们说abcdef12 - 使用MessageDigest的digest()方法然后将其转换为十六进制值,则String与使用PHP的SHA1方法执行相同操作时不同。我希望这些值完全相同。
I have a SQL table with usernames and passwords. The passwords are encoded using MessageDigest's digest() method. If I encode a password - let's say "abcdef12" - with MessageDigest's digest() method and then convert it to hexadecimal values, the String is different than if I do the same using PHP's SHA1-method. I'd expect these values to be exactly the same though.
Code that is used to encode the passwords:
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] passbyte;
passbyte = "abcdef12".getBytes("UTF-8");
passbyte = md.digest(passbyte);
The conversion of the String to hexadecimal is done using this method:
public static String convertStringToHex(String str) {
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
StringBuffer hex = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
hex.append(Integer.toHexString((int) chars[i]));
return hex.toString();
密码: abcdef12
这是许多SHA1-hash在线生成器和PHP SHA1()返回的密码 - 函数: d253e3bd69ce1e7ce6074345fd5faa1a3c2e89ef
Here's the password as returned by a lot of SHA1-hash online generators and PHP SHA1()-function: d253e3bd69ce1e7ce6074345fd5faa1a3c2e89ef
这是MessageDigest编码的密码: d253e3bd69ce1e7ce674345fd5faa1a3c2e2030ef
Here's the password as encoded by MessageDigest: d253e3bd69ce1e7ce674345fd5faa1a3c2e2030ef
我使用JavaScript SHA1类(更确切地说是Google Web Toolkit类)使用客户端SHA1编码。它按预期工作和编码字符串,但显然使用ASCII字符?..
I've found someone with a similar problem: C# SHA-1 vs. PHP SHA-1...Different Results? . The solution was to change encodings.. but I can't change encodings on the server-side since the passwords in that SQL-table are not created by my application.I use client-side SHA1-encoding using a JavaScript SHA1-class (more precisely: a Google Web Toolkit-class). It works and encodes the string as expected, but apparently using ASCII characters?..
It has nothing to do with the encodings. The output would be entirely different.
对于初学者,你的函数 convertStringToHex()
不会输出前导零,也就是说, 07
变为 7
For starters, your function convertStringToHex()
doesn't output leading zeros, that is, 07
becomes just 7
休息(将 89
更改为 2030
)也可能与该功能有关。尝试在 passbyte = md.digest(passbyte);
The rest (changing 89
to 2030
) is also likely to have something to do with that function. Try looking at the value of passbyte
after passbyte = md.digest(passbyte);
这篇关于Java的MessageDigest SHA1算法返回的结果与php的SHA1函数不同的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!