


I was playing around with slices, and I found something that I can't explain. I create a string of total length 10 (index ranges from 0 to 9) and then I create a slice from it specifying one past the max index and it does not panic. It will panic if I go more than one past the last index. What am I not understanding please?


I have investigated with integer slices as well thinking there might be something odd about strings, but it showed the same behavior.

这里是一个示例:我预期在 x:= str [10:] 处失败.

Here is an example: I expected a failure at x:= str[10:].

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    var str = "attribute="

    x := str[10:]
    fmt.Printf("type of x is %T\n", x)
    //fmt.Printf("x is a %T and length of x is %d\n", x, len(x))

    for k, v := range []byte(str) {
        fmt.Printf("%d, %x\n", k, v)


游乐场: https://play.golang.org/p/Z-3YvTx3-s6


type of x is string
0, 61
1, 74
2, 74
3, 72
4, 69
5, 62
6, 75
7, 74
8, 65
9, 3d


它位于规范.允许 low high 等于长度.

It's in the spec. Having low or high equal to the length is allowed.

关于这为什么不是错误":您可以将切片操作可视化为在元素之间切割 .像这样:

As to "why is this not an error": you can visualize the slicing operation as cutting between the elements. Like this:

│   a   t   t   r   i   b   u   t   e   =    │
│ ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑   ↑  │
│ 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 │

从技术上讲,切片点10仍在范围内,但之后没有任何元素.这就是为什么 [10:] 生成空字符串的原因(或者是因为 low high 之间没有元素).例如,这在红宝石中的工作方式相同.也许还有其他语言.

Technically slice point 10 is still within bounds, but it has no elements after it. That's why [10:] results in an empty string (that, or because there are no elements between low and high). This works the same way in ruby, for example. Maybe other languages too.


07-16 14:33