

在将 Maven 项目升级到 Java 9 并添加模块描述符后,javac 抱怨自动模块的传递依赖:

After upgrading a Maven project to Java 9 and adding a module descriptor, javac complains about a transitive dependency for an automatic module:

[警告]/.../src/main/java/module-info.java:[3,35] 需要传递性指令用于自动模块

重现问题的示例 module-info.java:

module com.example.mymodule {
    exports com.example.mymodule.myexportedpackage;
    requires transitive com.google.common;


The meaning of this warning is completely clear, here are some related links:


The question is — how to suppress this warning, without fixing the actual issue, and without disabling all the other javac warnings?


I've tried the following options, but none of them worked:

  • @SuppressWarnings("module")module-info.java
  • @SuppressWarnings("all")module-info.java
  • -Xlint:all,-module 命令行选项
  • @SuppressWarnings("module") in module-info.java
  • @SuppressWarnings("all") in module-info.java
  • -Xlint:all,-module command line option

不幸的是,我无法解决实际问题(目前),因为我的"模块具有来自第三方(自动)模块(例如 Guava)的返回类型和注释.因此,如果我使用requires com.google.common"(没有 transitive),那么会有一个不同的警告,例如:

Unfortunately, I cannot fix the actual issue (for now) because "my" module has return types and annotations from third-party (automatic) modules (e.g. Guava). Thus, if I'd use "requires com.google.common" (without transitive), then there would be a different warning, e.g.:

[警告] .../MyClass.java:[25,20] 模块 com.google.common 中的类 com.google.common.collect.Table不使用需要传递


And of course I cannot define module descriptors for the third-party libraries (which are automatic modules right now).

我正在使用 -Werror 我更愿意保留它,所以警告不仅仅是烦人的......

I'm using -Werror which I'd prefer to keep, so the warning isn't merely annoying...


P.S. I do not intend to publish my artifacts to any public repositories.




JDK-8178011 合并的更改说明:-

The changes for which were merged with JDK-8178011 stating:-


  • 当一个命名模块需要传递"一个自动模块(默认开启)
  • 当一个命名模块需要"一个自动模块时(默认关闭)

从此处做出的更改推断此以及来自对 JEP 261: Module System 的编辑证实了这一点(重点是我的):-

Inferring this from the changes made here and also from the edit to the JEP 261: Module System which confirms that(emphasis mine):-

在这两种模块化模式下,编译器默认会生成与模块系统相关的各种警告;这些可能被禁用通过选项 -Xlint:-module.

更精确地控制这些警告可通过 exports、opens、requires-automatic 和-Xlint 选项需要传递自动键.

More precise control of these warnings is available via the exports, opens, requires-automatic, and requires-transitive-automatic keys for the -Xlint option.


07-16 14:17