我是我目前所在公司的新手,正在从事由我的直接团队负责人编写的项目.该公司通常不使用C ++,但是我的同事用C/C ++编写了高效的代码.只有我们知道如何使用C ++进行编码(我和我的领导,所以没有涉及的第三意见).
I'm new in my current company and working on a project written by my direct team lead. The company usually doesn't work with C++ but there is productive code written by my coworker in C/C++. It's just us who know how to code in C++ (me and my lead, so no 3rd opinion that can be involved).
对项目有足够的了解后,我意识到整个结构是... 特殊.
After I got enough insight of the project I realized the whole structure is... special.
It actually consist of a single compilation unit where the makefile lists as only source the main.hpp
This headerfile then includes all the source files the project consists off, so it looks like a really big list of this:
#include "foo.cpp"
#include "bar.cpp"
While trying to understand the logic behind it and I realized that this is indeed working for this project, as it's just an interface where each unit can operate without accessing any other unit, at some point I asked him what are the reasons why he did it this way.
And that's what I'm doing now, simply because I'm really having trouble with thinking into this structure. So for now I'm applying the "usual" structure to the implementation I'm writing right now, while doing only mandatory changes to the whole project, to demonstrate how I would have designed it.
I think there are a lot of drawbacks, starting with mixing linkers and compilers jobs by own project structure can't serve well, up to optimizations that will probably end in redundant or obscure results, not to mention that a clean build of the project takes ~30 minutes, what I think might be caused by the structure as well. But I'm lacking the knowledge to name real and not just hypothetical issues with this.
And as his argument "It works my way, doesn't it?" holds true, I would like to be able to explain to him why it's a bad idea anyway, rather than coming over as the new nit picky guy.
So what problems could actually be caused by such a project structure?Or am I overreacting and such a structure is totally fine?
The main drawback is that a change to any part of the code will require the entire program to be recompiled from the scratch. If the compilation takes a minute, this would probably not be significant, but if it takes 30 min, it's going to be painful; it destroys the make a change->compile->test workflow.
Having separate translation units is actually typically a quite a bit slower to compile from scratch, but you only need to recompile each unit separately when they're changed, which is the main advantage. Of course, it is easy to mistakenly destroy this advantage by including a massive, often changing header in all translation units. Separate translation units take a bit of care to do it right.
These days, with multi core CPU's, the slower build from scratch is mitigated by parallelism that multiple translation units allow (perhaps the disadvantage may even be overcome if the size of individual translation units happen to hit a sweet spot, and there are enough cores; you'll need some thorough research to find out).
Another potential drawback is that the entire compilation process must fit in memory. This is only a problem when that memory becomes more than the free memory on your developers workstations.
In conclusion: The problem is that one-massive-source-file approach does not scale well to big projects.
Now, a word about advantages, for fairness
Actually, the single translation unit is easier to optimize than separate ones. This is because some optimizations, inline expansion in particular, are not possible across translation units because they depend on the definitions that are not in the currently compiled translation unit.
This optimization advantage has been mitigated since link time optimization has been available in stable releases of popular compilers. As long as you're able and willing to use a modern compiler, and to enable link time optimization (which might not be enabled by default)
命名单个 source 文件是非常不常规的.
PS. It's very un-conventional to name the single source file with extension .hpp