为什么下面的 read_rest_of_csv
Why are parentheses needed on read_rest_of_csv
let read_rest_of_csv() =
csv_data.Add(csv_fileH.ReadFields()) |> ignore
not csv_fileH.EndOfData
while read_rest_of_csv() do ignore None
Without the parentheses, the loop will not terminate.
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Linq
open System.Text
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.IO
open Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
let main argv =
let csv_fileH = new TextFieldParser("test1.csv")
csv_fileH.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited |> ignore
let x = csv_fileH.SetDelimiters(",")
let csv_data = new List<string[]>()
let eod = csv_fileH.EndOfData
if not eod then
let column_headings = csv_fileH.ReadFields()
csv_data.Add(column_headings) |> ignore
let read_rest_of_csv =
csv_data.Add(csv_fileH.ReadFields()) |> ignore
not csv_fileH.EndOfData
while read_rest_of_csv do ignore None
很抱歉我不记得我在哪里看到的.我认为它是在 SO 中.这是一个很好的例子.
I apologize that I cannot remember where I saw this. I think it was in SO. It's a nice example.
Could this be that without parens I'm dealing with a function object of sorts?
我确实不仅来自 C、C++ 和 C# 背景,而且还具有中级 Clojure 背景.在我使用 F# 语法的情况下,更详细地阅读我的 Haskell 手册可能会有所帮助,因为语法看起来很相似.
I am indeed coming from not only a C, C++, and C# background, but also an intermediate Clojure background as well. In my case with F# syntax, reading my Haskell manual in a little more detail might have helped, because the syntaxes seem similar.
似乎来自 C 系列语言(C#、Java、C、C++、JavaScript)的人们在理解 F# 中括号的使用方面存在问题.我当然有,而且我花了几年时间了解事情是如何运作的.
It seems that people coming from C-family languages (C#, Java, C, C++, JavaScript) are having problems understanding the use of brackets in F#. I certainly had, and it took me some years learning how things work.
简而言之,F# 中最基本的构建块是值.值可以被 let
In a nutshell, the most basic building block in F# is a value. Values can be let
let foo = bar
This means that foo
is a value, which happens to be equal to bar
// 'a -> 'a * 'a
let f = fun x -> x, x
是一个函数,它接受一些值 (x
) 并返回一个元组,其中 x
Here, f
is a function that takes some value (x
) and returns a tuple with x
as both the first and the second element.
That's a bit cumbersome to write, so there's a shorthand for that:
// 'a -> 'a * 'a
let f x = x, x
Notice that there are no brackets in these expressions.
有时您需要调整运算符的优先级.就像在数学中一样,1 + 2 * 3
(相当于 1 + (2 * 3)
)与 (1 + 2) * 3
.在 F# 中,您还可以使用方括号来覆盖优先级.于是
Sometimes you need to adjust the precedence of operators. Just like in maths, 1 + 2 * 3
(which is equivalent to 1 + (2 * 3)
) isn't the same as (1 + 2) * 3
. In F#, you also use brackets to override precedence. Thus
// 'a -> string * 'a
let f x = someOtherFunction x, x
// x:'a -> string
let f x = someOtherFunction (x, x)
是一个返回 string
(in this case, someOtherFunction
is a function that returns a string
Notice that the brackets don't denote a function call; they're only there to control order of evaluation.
Sometimes, you want to define a function that doesn't take any input. You can't, however, define it like this:
let f = whatever
.相反,您可以让函数采用内置类型 unit
because that would make it a value that's immediately let
-bound to whatever
. Instead, you can let the function take a value of the built-in type unit
. This type only has a single value, which is written ()
let f () = whatever
这意味着 f
是一个函数,它 pattern 将其输入与 unit
This means that f
is a function that pattern matches its input against the only known value of unit
每当您使用 ()
调用 f
时,都会计算并返回表达式 whatever
Whenever you invoke f
with ()
, the expression whatever
is evaluated and returned.
这篇关于为什么此 F# 函数需要括号?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!