我在网上搜索不同的解决方案,在Haskell N皇后问题,但找不到任何可以为O检查不安全的位置(1)的时间,这样的一个你保持一个数组用于/对角线和一个用于\对角线
I searched the web for different solutions to the n-queens problem in Haskell but couldn't find any that could check for unsafe positions in O(1) time, like that one that you keep an array for the / diagonals and one for the \ diagonals.
大多数解决方案,我发现刚才检查每一个新的女王对所有的previous的。事情是这样的: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/评论/ 62j4m / nqueens%5Fin%5Fhaskell /
Most solutions I found just checked each new queen against all the previous ones. Something like this:http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/62j4m/nqueens%5Fin%5Fhaskell/
nqueens :: Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
nqueens n = foldr qu [[]] [1..n]
where qu k qss = [ ((j,k):qs) | qs <- qss, j <- [1..n], all (safe (j,k)) qs ]
safe (j,k) (l,m) = j /= l && k /= m && abs (j-l) /= abs (k-m)
What would be the best way to implement such an "O(1) approach" in Haskell?I am not looking for anything "super-optimized". Just some way to produce the "is this diagonal already used?" array in a functional manner.
Thanks for all the answers, folks! The reason I originally asked the question is because I wanted to solve a harder backtracking problem. I knew how to solve it in an imperative language but could not readily think of a purely functional data structure to do the job. I figured that the queens problem would be a good model (being the backtracking problem :) ) for the overall data-structure problem, but it isn't my real problem though.
I actually want to find a data structure that allows O(1) random access and holds values that are either on a "initial" state (free line/diagonal, in the n-queens case) or in a "final" state (occupied line/diagonal), with transitions (free to occupied) being O(1).This can be implemented using mutable arrays in an imperative language but I feel that the restriction of updating values only allows for a nice purely functional data structure (as opposed to Quicksort, for example, that really wants mutable arrays).
I figure that sth's solution is as good as you can get using immutable arrays in Haskell and the "main" function looks like what I wanted it to be:
-- try all positions for a queen in row n-1
place :: BoardState -> Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
place _ 0 = [[]]
place b n = concatMap place_ (freefields b (n-1))
where place_ p = map (p:) (place (occupy b p) (n-1))
The main problem seems to be finding a better data structure though, as Haskell Arrays have O(n) updating.Other nice suggestions fall short of the mythical O(1) holy grail:
- DiffArrays进来回溯接近,但陷入困境。他们实际上得到的超的慢:(。
- 与pretty的功能回溯的方式,使他们被丢弃STUArrays冲突。
- 地图及套装只有O(log n)的更新。
- DiffArrays come close but mess up in the backtracking. They actually get super slow :( .
- STUArrays conflict with the pretty functional backtracking approach so they are discarded.
- Maps and Sets have only O(log n) updating.
I am not really sure there is a solution overall, but it seems promising.
最有前途的数据结构,我发现,其中拖车阵列。基本上一个Haskell DiffArray但它发生变异回来时,你原路返回。
The most promising data structure I found where Trailer Arrays. Basically a Haskell DiffArray but it mutates back when you backtrack.
在一般的你可能会被卡住支付 O(log n)的
的复杂性税款,但功能非破坏性的执行,或者你将不得不松口,并使用(IO | ST | STM)UArray
In general you are probably going to be stuck paying the O(log n)
complexity tax for a functional non-destructive implementation or you'll have to relent and use an (IO|ST|STM)UArray
严格的纯语言可能需要支付 O(log n)的
税收过,可以通过实现通过地图状结构引用写入引用不纯的语言;懒惰的语言有时会躲过此税,虽然目前还没有证据证明任何一种方式被惰性所提供的额外的电源是否足以总是躲闪这种税收 - 即使它强烈怀疑懒惰不够强大。
Strict pure languages may have to pay an O(log n)
tax over an impure language that can write to references by implementing references through a map-like structure; lazy languages can sometimes dodge this tax, although there is no proof either way whether or not the extra power offered by laziness is sufficient to always dodge this tax -- even if it is strongly suspected that laziness isn't powerful enough.
在此情况下,它是很难看到通过该懒惰可能被利用,以避免参考税的机制。而且,毕竟这就是为什么我们有 ST
单子摆在首位。 ;)
In this case it is hard to see a mechanism by which laziness could be exploited to avoid the reference tax. And, after all that is why we have the ST
monad in the first place. ;)
这就是说,你可能会探讨一些板斜拉链与否可以被用来利用更新的地方 - 一个拉链利用地方是一种常见的方式来尝试删除一个对数项
That said, you might investigate whether or not some kind of board-diagonal zipper could be used to exploit locality of updates -- exploiting locality in a zipper is a common way to try to drop a logarithmic term.