

我在写一些ActionScript3的code,尝试的方法适用于在运行时确定的对象。 AS3的文档Function.apply和Function.call双方指出的第一个参数这些功能是在执行功能时,它会被用作'这个'值的对象。

I'm writing some Actionscript3 code that attempts to apply a method to an object that is determined at runtime. The AS3 documentation for Function.apply and Function.call both indicate that the first argument to those functions is the object which will be used as the 'this' value when the function is executed.


However, I have found that in all cases when the function being executed is a method, the first parameter to apply/call is not used, and 'this' always refers to the original object to which that method was bound. Here is some example code and its output:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class FunctionApplyTest extends Sprite
        public function FunctionApplyTest()
            var objA:MyObj = new MyObj("A");
            var objB:MyObj = new MyObj("B");


            objA.sayName.apply(objB, []);

internal class MyObj
    private var _name:String;
    public function MyObj(name:String)
        _name = name;
    public function sayName():void




A minor modification to the above code to create an in-line anonymous function which refers to 'this' shows that the correct behavior occurs when the function being applied/called is not a bound method.


Am I using apply/call incorrect when I attempt to use it on a method? The AS3 documentation specifically provides code for this case, however:

myObject.myMethod.call(myOtherObject, 1, 2, 3);


If this is indeed broken, is there any work-around besides making the target methods into functions (which would be quite ugly, in my opinion)?



Its not a "bug", but the documentation for call and apply is very misleading and doesn't do a good job at all of explaining whats going on. So here is an explaination of what is happening.

方法功能在ActionScript不同。 方法被定义为一类确定指标的一部分,方法总是绑定到该实例。见的方法的此链接。从那里引述如下:

Methods are different from Functions in ActionScript. Methods are defined as a part of a class defintion, and methods are always bound to that instance. See the Methods second of this link. To quote from there:


所以,当你让 MyObj中实例,它的所有方法都绑定到该实例。这就是为什么当您尝试使用通话适用,你没有看到得到覆盖。请参阅Bound方法了解详细信息。

So when you make a new instance of MyObj, all of its methods are bound to that instance. Which is why when you try to use call or apply, you aren't seeing this getting overridden. See the section on Bound Methods for details.

traits对象的解释看,本文 的,它动作用来解决方法,并用于幕后性能的原因可能是罪魁祸首。这或类方法只是语法糖以下的ECMAScript方式:

See, this document for an explanation of the traits object, which actionscript uses to resolve methods and used for performance reasons behind the scenes is probably to blame. That or class methods are just syntactic sugar for the following ECMAScript pattern:

var TestClass = function(data) {
    var self = this;
    this.data = data;
    this.boundWork = function() {
        return self.constructor.prototype.unboundWork.apply(self, arguments);

TestClass.prototype.unboundWork = function() {
    return this.data;


var a = new TestClass("a");
var b = new TestClass("b");

alert(a.boundWork()); // a
alert(b.boundWork()); // b

alert(a.unboundWork()); // a
alert(b.unboundWork()); // b

alert(a.boundWork.call(b)); // a
alert(a.boundWork.call(undefined)); // a

alert(a.unboundWork.call(b)); // b


or even more interesting:

var method = a.unboundWork;
method() // undefined. ACK!


method = a.boundWork;
method() // a. TADA MAGIC!

注意 boundWork 总是会得到它所属的实例的情况下,不管你传递的执行该通话适用。其中,在ActionScript中,这种行为就是为什么类方法绑定到它们的实例。所以,无论他们在哪里时,他们仍然指向他们来自实例(这使得动作事件模型多一点理智)。一旦你理解了这一点,那么解决方法应该成为明显的。

Notice that boundWork will always get executed in the context of the instance it belongs to, no matter what you pass in for this with call or apply. Which, in ActionScript, this behavior is exactly why class methods are bound to their instance. So no matter where they are used, they still point at the instance they came from (which makes the actionscript event model a little more "sane"). Once you understand this, then a work-around should become obvious.

有关,你想要做一些神奇的地方,避免赞成原型功能的ActionScript 3基于硬约束的方法。

For places where you want to do some magic, avoid the ActionScript 3 based hard-bound methods in favor of prototype functions.

例如,请考虑以下ActionScript code:

For example, consider the following ActionScript code:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class FunctionApplyTest extends Sprite
        public function FunctionApplyTest()
            var objA:MyObj = new MyObj("A");
            var objB:MyObj = new MyObj("B");


            objA.sayName.apply(objB, []); // a
            objA.sayName.call(objB); // a

            objA.pSayName.call(objB) // b <---

internal dynamic class MyObj
    private var _name:String;
    public function MyObj(name:String)
        _name = name;
    public function sayName():void

    prototype.pSayName = function():void {

注意的 sayName pSayName 的声明不同。 sayName 总是被绑定到它是为创建实例。 pSayName 是一个函数,可用于 MyObj中的实例,但不绑定到它的一个特例。

Notice the declaration difference between sayName and pSayName. sayName will always be bound to the instance it was created for. pSayName is a function that is available to instances of MyObj but is not bound to a particular instance of it.


The documentation for call and apply are technically correct, as long as you are talking about prototypical functions and not class methods, which I don't think it mentions at all.


07-16 12:58