我正在使用Eclipse IDE编辑XML文件,需要输入文本段落。似乎没有eclipse有一个换行功能。任何人都知道是否这样做,或者是否有插件?
I'm editing an XML file with the Eclipse IDE and need to input paragraphs of text. It doesn't seem that eclipse has a line-wrap feature though. Anyone knows if it does or if there's a plugin for that?
正如VonC在这篇文章中所提到的那样同一页。 Eclipse现在具有06-06 Neon的这一功能。
It looks like eclipse only has the ability to do it manually on its own and here are the commands. At that point you must reformat the highlighted text manually.
It's not terribly obvious how to control Eclipse line width and line wrapping in your Java source files. Here's how and where:
注释宽度和换行在 Preferences-> Java->代码样式 - > Formatter
Comment width and line wrapping is set in
Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter
, then click on the Edit button and select the Comments tab. I like Line Width for Comments to be 120.
首选项 - > Java->代码样式 - >格式化器
Code line wrapping is set nearby, in
Preferences->Java->Code Style- >Formatter
, then click on the Edit button and select the Line Wrapping tab. I like a line width of 120 and indent size of 4.
Preferences-> Java->代码样式 - > Formatter
,然后单击编辑按钮,然后选择缩进选项卡。我喜欢4的缩进大小,符合Line Wrapping缩进设置。
Indentation is set separately, in
Preferences->Java->Code Style- >Formatter
, then click on the Edit button and select the Indentation tab. I like an indent size of 4, consistent with the Line Wrapping indent setting.
首选项>常规>编辑器>文本编辑器中设置打印机边距,选项卡大小等。 code>我将显示选项卡宽度设置为4,将打印边距列设置为120或更多。
As if that's not enough, you can also set printer margins, tab size, etc, in
Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors
where I set the Displayed Tab Width to 4 and Print Margin Column to 120 or more.
You can also check the Show Print Margin box to get a faint vertical line at the printer margin column