When a synchronized method is completed, will it push only the data modified by it to main memory, or all the member variables, similarly when a synchronized method executes, will it read only the data it needs from main memory or will it clear all the member variables in the cache and read their values from main memory ? For example
public class SharedData
int a; int b; int c; int d;
public SharedData()
a = b = c = d = 10;
public synchronized void compute()
a = b * 20;
b = a + 10;
public synchronized int getResult()
return b*c;
In the above code assume compute is executed by threadA and getResult is executed by threadB. After the execution of compute, will threadA update main memory with a and b or will it update a,b,c and d. And before executing getResult will threadB get only the value of b and c from main memory or will it clear the cache and fetch values for all member variables a,b,c and d ?
ensures you have a consistent view of the data. This means you will read the latest value and other caches will get the latest value. Caches are smart enough to talk to each other via a special bus (not something required by the JLS, but allowed) This bus means that it doesn't have to touch main memory to get a consistent view.