



I would like to list the artifacts information from these index files (groupId, artifactId, version for example). I have read that there is a high level API for that. It seems that I have to use the following maven dependency. However, I don't know what is the entry point to use (which class?) and how to use it to access those files:




简而言之:您不需要手动下载GZ / ZIP(新/旧格式),它将为您做好索引(此外,它还会为您处理增量更新,如果可能的话) )。

In short: you dont need to download the GZ/ZIP (new/legacy format) manually, it will indexer take care of doing it for you (moreover, it will handle incremental updates for you too, if possible).

GZ是新格式,独立于Lucene索引格式(因此,独立于Lucene版本)仅包含数据,而ZIP是旧格式,这实际上是普通的Lucene 2.4.x索引压缩了。目前没有数据内容发生变化,但计划在未来发生。

GZ is the "new" format, independent of Lucene index-format (hence, independent of Lucene version) containing data only, while the ZIP is "old" format, which is actually plain Lucene 2.4.x index zipped up. No data content change happens currently, but is planned in future.


As I said, there is no data content difference between two, but some fields (like you noticed) are Indexed but not stored on index, hence, if you consume the ZIP format, you will have them searchable, but not retrievable.


07-16 10:36