

我承认对于整个持续集成的想法是新的。因此,我一直在努力寻找一个方法来接受我的ASP.NET项目,通过Jenkins喂它通过使用NAnt和mono在Linux盒子上的自动构建,并最终部署到Apache Archiva的工件进行检索以后安装等。

I'm admittedly new to the whole continuous integration idea. As such, I've been scouring the web to find a way to take my ASP.NET project, feed it through Jenkins for auto-build using NAnt and mono on a Linux box, and ultimately deploy the artifact into Apache Archiva to be retrieved later for installation, etc.


My problem is, I don't know how to integrate this hand-off of the artifact from Jenkins to Archiva.


  • Archiva可以用来存储任何类型的工件。 .zip 档案(这是我想使用的), .jar 档案等。

  • Jenkins可以使用NAnt来为我的.NET 4.0项目调用Mono。

  • Jenkins还可以将文件压缩成合适的工件

  • Archiva can be used to store any type of artifact. .zip files (which is what I want to use), .jar files, etc.
  • Jenkins can build the source code using NAnt to call Mono to my .NET 4.0 project
  • Jenkins can also zip the files up into a suitable artifact


  • 我得到 .zip 文件(工件)从Jenkins存储它到Archium存储库?

  • How could I get the .zip file (artifact) from where it's stored when Jenkins builds it, to the Archiva repository?


  • Jenkins(1.502)服务器和Archiva 4)服务器在同一Ubuntu 12.04机器上

  • NAnt(0.92)构建脚本

  • Mono(2.10)


What I don't know anything about (but might help?):

  • Maven

  • Ivy



Set up a separate Jenkins "task" that uses Maven to deploy.

注意:你不需要知道太多关于Maven的工作。你必须安装它。您必须按照下面的页面所述配置它,您需要使用该信息从命令行调用它。 (如果您想了解详情,可以使用备用建议。)

Note: You don't need to know too much about Maven to make this work. You'll have to install it. You'll have to configure it as described on the page below and you'll need to call it from a command line using that information. (If you want to learn more, you can use the alternate suggesion.)


Set up the settings.xml using information from this page:


That same page shows how to do it running Maven from a command line. To use this, you will create a Jenkins task that runs a shell script and deploys directly from where ever the build task creates it. Then you either run the deploy by hand or you make the Jenkins build task run the deploy task when it finishes without error.

您可能不熟悉的一件事是Archiva / Maven的每个文件的坐标系。

One thing you might not be familiar with is Archiva/Maven's system of coordinates for each file.


Each artifact has a group, artifact id and version. There can be a classifier and such if you want.

  • 群组通常是公司的网域名称加上内部分类指标 - com.microsoft.phone.web通过微软的电话分部。

  • 工件ID是特定工件的名称。

  • 版本是正常形式的版本字符串 - 1.0a或2.0-asl或3.2.1。

  • 分类符类似于我们使用文件扩展名 - zip,jar。

  • The group is typically, the company's domain name backwards plus internal taxonomy indicators -- com.microsoft.phone.web for a web app created by the phone division at microsoft.
  • The artifact id is the name of a particular artifact.
  • The version is a normal form of version string - 1.0a or 2.0-asl or 3.2.1.
  • The classifier is used similar to the way we use file extensions - zip, jar.

这是解释的简短版本。 Google在这里是您的朋友。

This is the short version of this explained. Google is your friend here.

您也可以使用Maven任务执行此操作。 Archium页面上关于pom.xml文件的信息将是需要的,但是你必须谷歌Maven部署,并阅读如何做到你的特定情况。当工件在本地Maven仓库(在构建机器上)并且该仓库具有您需要的特定文件和文件夹结构时,将部署默认情况。这是Maven在创建和安装它们时安排工件的方式。

You can also use a Maven task to do this. The information on the Archiva page regarding the pom.xml file will be needed but you will have to Google "Maven deploy" and read how to do it for your particular case. The default case deploys when the artifacts are in the local Maven repo (on the build machine) and that repo has a specific file and folder structure that you need. That's the way Maven arranges artifacts when it creates and 'install's them.


07-16 10:06