本文介绍了Maven 内部存储库,真的有那么难吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有几个使用 Maven 的项目,我想在我的工作网络上运行一个内部存储库.我有几个来自第三方的库,它们不能被发布到野外,还有一些我们自己的库需要在网络中可用(包括我们的 TeamCity CI 服务器),但不能部署到网络外.经过一番研究,我发现了关于如何实现这一点的三个主要建议:Archiva、Artifactory 和 Nexus.我已经尝试了每一个,但都没有成功地使用其中任何一个创建的内部存储库成功构建我的任何项目.

I have several projects which use Maven and I would like to run an internal repository on my work network. I have several libraries which are from third parties and cannot be released into the wild, as well as a few libraries of our own which need to be available within the network (including to our TeamCity CI Server) but cannot be deployed outside the network. After a bit of research, I found three main recommendations on how to accomplish this: Archiva, Artifactory, and Nexus. I have tried each, and have failed to achieve a successful build of any of my projects using the internal repositories created by any of them.

这让我相信我误解了什么或做错了什么.有没有人知道可以指导我设置内部 Maven 存储库并将其与我的项目集成的教程?

This leads me to believe that I am misunderstanding something or doing something wrong. Does anyone know of a tutorial that will walk me through setting up and internal Maven repository and integrate it with my project?


我建议使用 Nexus 评估指南(最新可用版本是 2.13 现在),随 Nexus Pro安装程序,但也适用于 Nexus Open Source 用于简单的代理用例和部署组件.

I would suggest to use the Nexus evaluation guide (latest available version is 2.13 now) that comes with the Nexus Pro Installer, but also works with Nexus Open Source for the simple use cases of proxying and deploying components.

这些示例也可以在 github 上找到,包括 Maven、Ant/常春藤和摇篮.查看示例并阅读指南后,您将能够以相同的方式轻松设置项目.

The examples are also available on github and include setups for Maven, Ant/Ivy and Gradle. Once you have a look at the examples and read the guide you will be able to set up your projects in the same way easily.


And of course if there is any problems you can always ask on the mailing list or chat with the developers on hipchat

这篇关于Maven 内部存储库,真的有那么难吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 10:03