本文介绍了Nexus/Artifactory可以存储Internet Maven工件的副本吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想让Nexus(或Artifactory,我们尚未决定)在从Internet上的公共存储库(例如Maven Central)下载人工制品时存储该人工制品的副本.

I would like to have Nexus (or Artifactory, we're not decided yet) store a copy of an artifact when it is downloaded from a public repository on the internet (like Maven Central).


Basically, if you don't have the jar in your local repo and the repo manager doesn't have it either, I want to ask the repo manager for the jar, have it send it to me, and store it both in the repo manager and in my local repo. Then, when another person asks the repo manager for the same jar, it sends it to them from the repo manager and they save it in their local repo, without needing to hit Maven central.

这听起来像是开箱即用,但我看不到.我可以通过回购管理器看到Maven Central上的工件,但是当我使用Netbeans向项目添加依赖项时,它将直接从Maven Central下载(显然).据我所知,回购管理器中什么也没有缓存.

This sounds like how it should work out of the box, but I don't see it. I can see the artifacts on Maven central through the repo manager, but when I use Netbeans to add a dependency to my project, it downloads it straight from Maven central (apparently). Nothing gets cached in the repo manager (as far as I can see).



Nexus has the concept of proxy repository which does almost exactly what you describe. See the Proxying Public Repositories section of the book for details.


Artifactory has a similar feature called Virtual repositories.


You can stop your Maven install from ever trying to connect to Central by setting up your repository manager as a mirror of central, requests to central will then be directed to your repository manager. For example add the following to the <mirrors> section of Maven's settings.xml to redirect requests to central to your repository manager:



I tend to set up a repository group containing several remote repositories. The group acts as a single repository as far as my Maven install is concerned, but collates artifacts from several remote repositories.

这篇关于Nexus/Artifactory可以存储Internet Maven工件的副本吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 09:50